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The contraption they use to trick us to deny flat earth, are those 2 little orbs sticking out of your skull – your EYEBALLS.

Their “little trick” is finally coming to a several hundred year END – RIGHT NOW!!

Our eyes contain an undeniable fingerprint of their designer, so complex and amazing. Jesus makes them sound quite mysterious:

Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

If you believe anything other than what Jesus does, then “the LIGHT THAT IS IN YOU IS DARKNESS“. In other words, you are answering that question “incorrectly” in the “classroom” of the father of your spirit, who is trying to “grow you up” into right thinking, and doing.

Now that I have a Flat Earth perspective, I see Jesus’ statement in an amazing new way. If you “believe” the earth is a spinning ball, then your light, in that area, is darkness. You are incorrect. In error. You fail the test. Read more about the “Spiritual Drivers License” concept here.

The physical eye and the spiritual eye cannot be separated. They are perfectly intertwined, with the physical realm being “interpreted” by the spirit.

The function of the human eye, that has been used to influence our spirit, is called “Depth perception”. It is within the mechanical functioning of our eyes that we are told, and made to believe, that the earth is spinning around the sun. I “see” the sun “setting” every night over the curve horizon(tal).

So now, modern science comes running to rescue our FE perspective:

#1 New camera technology lets us “bring back” objects that had previous thought “gone over the curve”. Also, the ability to see 275 miles straight across the flat plane.

#2 Balloon technology lets teenagers send their iphones to 110,000, where it makes a smooth, level pan of the sky. If the earth was a round ball, then from 110,000 feet up, you would need to LOOK DOWN to see the ball, because it would “dip” from your view. But, in fact, the earth “rises to the eye of the camera” in a 360 degree pan, proving that it is a flat plane. Watch here.

It was very important to the “illuminated ones” to control the dialogue and “science” surrounding this ultimately functional and mysterious part of our physical anatomy. Important enough that they formed a secret society to hide the truths that they had discovered. And so secret that nobody has heard about THAT secret society. We will tear open the veil tomorrow.

Keep your eyes peeled

R. Dibird