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Is The Earth Flat AND Hollow..?

The evidence that our earth home is indeed HOLLOW is hard to ignore.

There are too many ancient stories and traditions that give us a curious, second look at this mysterious place.

I have a feeling that this subject will test the bonds of our Flat Earth Community – some of you might think I’m totally crazy to even listen to these stories.  

And please don’t throw any rotten tomatoes.. lol..

All I can say is “look into it for yourself”.

The way the story goes, there is ocean water all the way to the North Pole.  We can sail right up to it.

Then, once you get to the center of our earth plane, there is a way to “go down into the earth”, and there is STUFF down there.

LOT’S of stuff.  

Just about every culture has some version of this story – in there own way.  They say that there are “communities” of people who live down there.  You have probably heard of some of the ancient, mythical names: Eden, Asgaarde, Shambala, Mt. Meru, Mt. Meriah, Atlantis,  Hyperborea and more.

Once you look into it, you may find that these supposedly mythical tales, and mythical places, may in fact be closer to reality than fantasy.

Here is the story of Olaf Jansen.

It is the eye witness account of a man, Olaf Jansen and his father in the mid 1800’s. They were Norwegian fishermen who wandered far north, and embarked on an amazing experience for the next couple of years. They met giant people and walked streets of gold. Olaf returned and lived to tell the story in a book in 1908.

Here is the best video I’ve seen, to tell the story:

Or click here to view at

Truth Or Fiction…?

Russell Dibird