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The Day After Christ Calls ch2

< Previous Chapter 1 | Next Chapter 3 > Chapter 2 After hours listening to Bill Brewster until it seemed he had nothing new to report, Phil sauntered out on the streets to mix with the crowds. As he approached the magnificent edifice where he usually attended...

The Day After Christ Calls ch3

< Previous Page 2 | Next Chapter 4 > Chapter 3 As evening drew on, a pall of smoke arose in many cities: sirens of police and fire wagons screamed unabatedly. The rat-tat-tat of gunfire increased ominously neighborhood homeowners froze to...

The Day After Christ Calls ch4

< Previous Page 3 | Next Chapter 5 > Chapter 4 Churches still standing had kept their doors open night and day. Multitudes had wailed and prayed. Thousands like Phil and Mary, for the first time in their lives. Unto such people, no argument...

The Day After Christ Calls ch5

< Previous Page 4 | Next Chapter 6  > Chapter 5How To Be In That Number Multitudes are asking “how can I be sure to be in that number?” With “that number” they refer to those who are to be taken out of this world when...