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The Day After Christ Calls ch6

< Previous Chapter 5 Chapter 6 THE DAY AFTER. Undoubtedly, countless millions of Christians will find themselves here on earth on the ‘day after’ that Christ has called unto His chosen, and taken out of this world a “first fruits unto God and to...

Dare You Look, And Stop To Think? ch2

< Previous Chapter 1 | Next Chapter 3 > Chapter II OUR CHRISTIAN ERA As the Christ with His disciples sat upon the Mount of Olives, He was questioned about the signs of His coming, the fate of Jerusalem and the End of the Age. The Signs unto the then Jerusalem and...

Dare You Look, And Stop To Think? ch3

< Previous Chapter 2 | Index | Next Chapter 4 > Chapter III THE TRINITY Three in one and one in three: coexistent and coequal. THAT is basic to that dogma. True? Very little truth therein! In fact, there is not as much as one sound scrap of Biblical evidence to...

Dare You Look, And Stop To Think? ch4

< Previous Chapter 3 | Index Chapter IV OUR MODERN BIBLE Although I am not blind to the evils committed in the name of Jesus Christ, I recognize that our churches have accomplished some GOOD. And, although I have much fault to find with our Bible, yet THE BIBLE is...
Heaven And Hell ch1 Sheol, Hades, Gehenna

Heaven And Hell ch1 Sheol, Hades, Gehenna

Index | Next Chapter 2 > Chapter 1 SHEOL, HADES and GEHENNA In the Old Testament, the Bible of the Hebrews, we find only one common word rendered ‘Hell,’ namely, the word SHEOL. Stripped of its acquired connotation of ‘fire and...

Heaven And Hell ch2 Interpreting The Scripture

< Previous Chapter 1 | Index | Next Chapter 3 > “INTERPRETING” THE SCRIPTURE Chapter 2 Let me set before you the picture of a father. He has many children and vast possessions. The “business” of tending his estates and developing their...