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James O’Keefe Is CIA Controlled Opposition Project Mockingbird Asset

James O'Keefe Is CIA Controlled Opposition Project Mockingbird Asset
James O’Keefe, an American conservative political activist and founder of Project Veritas, meets with supporters during the Conservative Political Action Conference 2020 (CPAC) hosted by the American Conservative Union on February 28, 2020 in National Harbor, MD.Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images

(LifeSiteNews) — A thorough two-episode documentary from a former Project Veritas journalist includes apparent voice recordings of well-known founder James O’Keefe admitting he attended the infamous and secret Bohemian Grove summer camp for the powerful in northern California.

The film also presents evidence charging O’Keefe with suppressing “bombshell” reports obtained from undercover journalism, and suggests he is a CIA asset whose mission during the COVID-19 “scamdemic” was to draw out pharmaceutical and other whistleblowers to his organization, scuttling the major stories and protecting the powerful, while publishing only “low-baller” reports.

Over the course of three months, LifeSiteNews made several attempts to contact O’Keefe for a response to this presentation asking for his perspective on these charges but received no reply.

In May, four attempts were made including at his website and to one older email address, and then to his private mobile phone and email which were obtained later. LSN editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen then reached out to O’Keefe personally in June and late July requesting comment but was not successful in obtaining a response.

After graduating from the University of Rhode Island in the spring of 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, documentary producer Justin Leslie states he entered a biomedical science master’s program at Rutgers University and then took a job as a formulation analytical scientist at Pfizer in Andover, MA.

During the first semester of his master’s studies, Leslie reports coming to the realization “that the whole COVID narrative was absolute nonsense,” that the so-called “vaccines were actually death shots,” and even further, in a position challenging a well-established consensus, he became convicted that virology itself “was one big pseudoscience.”

He further accepted his position at Pfizer in March 2021 with the specific intention of becoming a whistleblower should he come across important inside information, even having corresponded with Project Veritas (PV) at this time to offer his services.

He added that the push to inject children was fast approaching which he considered to be “absolutely terrifying.”

PV is ‘controlled opposition’ designed to ‘bait everybody that’s a whistleblower’

After reaching out to PV again, they provided him with undercover recording equipment he began wearing to work in late September 2021. Soon after, he provided PV with a vial of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, and gathered with other PV personnel and Dr. Carrie Madej to investigate the contents in a Mamaroneck, New York apartment on October 14, 2021.

Madej, an internist trained in osteopathic medicine, became well-known on the internet warning viewers to avoid the COVID injections and for examining these substances as well. On this occasion, Leslie explains how the doctor guided the microscope examination of these samples from Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and the vial from Pfizer which he had provided.

In the J&J sample the group witnessed what the young whistleblower explained as “black circles and what looked like parasites revolving around them as if they had a mind of their own.” The Moderna and Pfizer samples “had similar parasitic-like creatures in them,” and while he couldn’t identify what he was looking at, he said, “it was absolutely nightmarish to witness.”

Six days later, Madej was a guest on the Stew Peters Show where she explained these phenomena, also stating she had been working with an “amazing team” from PV promising that they would be “giving their story very soon, which will have so much detail, so much data, so please look for that.”

But instead of releasing this story that several members of this PV team witnessed themselves, Leslie states “this entire story was buried by Project Veritas” and it never came out, even as other researchers such as Dr. Robin Wakeling in New Zealand, and Dr. David Nixon in Australia, corroborated the findings.

READ: Australian doctor finds chips, ‘self-assembling’ structures forming in Pfizer vaccine contents

In October 2023, Leslie called Dr. Madej to revisit the issue of this spiked story and “get her perspective on what went down that night.” In the recording of the call, Madej warned him saying “don’t trust the same people again” and expressed a personal lack of trust in James O’Keefe specifically.

She opined that under O’Keefe’s leadership, PV, and its successor organization, O’Keefe Media Group (OMG), was “controlled opposition.”

“They were there just to bait everybody that’s a whistleblower, and then (they’re) able to control anything that was coming from the whistleblower. That was their job, and that’s still their job,” she asserted. “They don’t care who they hurt along the way.”

O’Keefe buries ‘bombshell’ Pfizer story committing ‘crime against humanity’

Much of Leslie’s documentary revolves around “a nine-terabyte file of evidence” which he collected during his extended period of undercover recording at Pfizer. In the film he confesses to “being completely naïve” in giving all of this footage over to PV without retaining copies of his own.

Another big story contained within this footage came from two personal meetings Leslie had with Pfizer vice president of biotherapeutics and pharmaceutical sciences, Nick Warne. The executive reportedly told the young scientist that he had “gamed the FDA” by withholding crucial data regarding the stability of COVID injections for children aged 5 to 11.

In other words, Leslie explained, Warne was “lying by omission by not discussing the clinical data” related to this topic with the FDA.

“This was bombshell. It was criminal. It was dangerous,” he said. “Something like this had to be released to the public. They had a right to know and they had the right to know right now.” Yet PV would not release this information.

Leslie was later told by O’Keefe that his copious Pfizer footage could not be used because it “broke recording consent statutes in the state of Massachusetts.” And further, he said, it would be illegal to use the “microscope exposé” video with Dr. Madej because the PV team drove the vials across state lines for their examination.

The young activist thought “none of it made any sense,” suggesting such obvious and foreseeable obstacles were ignored to establish a pretense for sabotaging any significant discoveries in these investigations.

Leslie played testimony affirming PV’s attorneys were aware of his undercover recording investigation while it went on for months, yet no one objected to these methods being used in Massachusetts. Given hidden recordings are a fundamental aspect of the organization’s journalism, he suggested it was more than strange that the PV team would not verify the law before equipping their whistleblower with their recording devices for such an investigation.

And according to his understanding, Leslie told LifeSiteNews that the Whistleblower Protection Act, along with Massachusetts case law, indicates that when a crime is being exposed, requirements for “recorded consent go out the window” and do not apply.

Furthermore, considering the gravity of the situation, with massive social and even legal pressure pushing the dangerous or even deadly injections on millions of people, along with mandates being imposed even upon children, Leslie states he pleaded with O’Keefe to release the footage regardless of these laws due to the urgent need of revealing these truths to the public.

These stories “could have helped increase vaccine hesitancy on a massive scale” at this crucial time, he said, potentially sparing thousands of people from injury or death.

Yet, O’Keefe declined and instead chose to “bury” these stories, committing, in Leslie’s estimation, a “crime against humanity.”

Amid ‘safe and effective’ propaganda mantra, Pfizer was admittedly ‘gaming the FDA’ and pressing the public ‘to board a plane that they were building in mid-flight.’

Other revelations obtained from Leslie’s Pfizer footage included the following:

  • Principal scientist Kanwal Gill, who worked on the vaccine formulation, admitted that neither she nor her colleagues “knew anything about” mRNA vaccines prior to 2020, and yet “everything was done on the fly.” Since there was a “pandemic,” the mentality was to “just roll it out, roll it out, roll it out.” Thus, “there was no time to think. It was a time to act.” This confirmed what Pfizer Head of Vaccine Research and Development Kathrin Jansen said in a 60 Minutes interview that year. Namely, that Pfizer “flew the airplane while [they] were still building it.” Gill also explained how the clinical trials bypassed around 10 years of testing that are normally required to ensure safety, conceding that this warp speed roll out was also motivated by potential profits “becoming a money game.”
  • Head of pediatric formulations, Bakul Bhatnagar, also described in an audio recording that “last year we were already building the plane as we were starting to fly it.”
  • Pharmaceutical formulation scientist Ramin Darvari, whom Justin identifies as “one of the head honchos” of the formulation team, acknowledged that there were “zillions” of adverse event reports coming into Pfizer “every day” and suggested that like chips, the designers of the injections are “engineering it specifically” for consumers “to take the next one.” And due to profit motives, they don’t care if the consumer has too many and dies.

“All of these admissions were from higher-ups and people directly involved with the production of the vaccine,” Leslie summarized. “While the public was being told that the vaccine was ‘safe and effective,’ behind the scenes, Pfizer was ‘gaming the FDA’ and convincing everybody to board a plane that they were building in mid-flight.”

Leslie seeks to recover his Pfizer footage, becomes smashing success as PV undercover journalist, begins investigation of O’Keefe

According to Leslie’s account, after O’Keefe informed him the significant stories he had uncovered as a Pfizer whistleblower would not be released by Project Veritas, he offered the young scientist a job as an undercover journalist on December 3, 2021.

Having gone through much internal distress over the evidence he secured of “a crime against humanity” being “buried” by PV, Leslie says he accepted the position four months later with at least one primary motivation of trying to retrieve his Pfizer footage and perhaps find a means to release it.

He was assigned various investigations including one of a school district on Long Island, NY which was training teachers on how to promote gender ideology to children. From this same assignment he also broke a big story of an openly gay assistant superintendent named Dave Casamento who explicitly exposed these agendas as being “covertly” implemented in schools all over the local county.

After PV’s release of Leslie’s video footage, furious parents responded, and Casamento was “administratively reassigned.”

Project-VeritasLeslie was also the undercover sting reporter that captured footage of a Pfizer mRNA director of research, named Jordan Trishton Walker, stating the pharma giant was considering mutating the COVID virus in order to “preemptively develop new vaccines.”

READ: Pfizer exec tells Project Veritas they may ‘mutate’ COVID virus in order to push more shots

This video release accumulated 50 million views on Twitter, and according to Leslie, was “a massive story and a home run for the Project Veritas team, giving them a huge boost in their credibility.”

However, he said at this point—the height of his seeming success in this profession— “something turned in me. Everything I was involved in started to seem like theater, like a play, like one giant show.”

Having come to the personal conviction that “virology was a lie” and that “there was no virus,” Leslie also concluded, “the only reason this footage and story was released by Project Veritas, and was well-promoted by the mainstream media,” was because it only reaffirmed the dominant “gain-of-function narrative,” that “the virus is real” and “it could be morphed and mutated into something more deadly” while revealing nothing else of any substance.

READ: Former Pfizer VP: Why evidence is lacking for the existence of COVID-19 ‘virus’ or any other

Considering documented capture of much bigger stories which were “buried,” the young whistleblower confided “I began to question the ‘veritas’ of the people I worked with and the people I worked for.” And he decided to use his newly developed skills as an undercover journalist to investigate James O’Keefe himself along with some of his other colleagues as well.

O’Keefe’s ‘filtering out the gold while peddling lumps of coal’ indicates that many ‘alternative media’ outlets may be subject to oligarch or Deep State control

The documentary covers several other stories Leslie believes were of vital importance to the public which were declined for publication by Project Veritas. These include evidence of significant changes in blood following COVID vaccine injections, the widespread presentation of large “white fibrous” blood clots which began to appear in corpses beginning in 2021, and indications of the “glowing” enzyme luciferase being present in the injections, which Leslie testifies he witnessed himself.

READ: Funeral director says 25% of bodies now have ‘fibrous clots’ in arteries after COVID shots

As editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews, John-Henry Westen said he could sympathize with having to make difficult publication decisions at times and thus, in one of LSN’s six attempts to reach O’Keefe, he asked in a June 12 email if he would like to “provide any broader context that will help our readers understand things from your point of view,” but was disappointed in not receiving any response.

While still at Pfizer, the young scientist states he also downloaded 400 pages of documents demonstrating the pharmaceutical giant’s own studies indicated the injection’s lipid nanoparticles (LMP’s), which deliver the mRNA, distributed all over the body, when this substance was supposed to remain in the injection site.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, himself a former vice president of Pfizer, explained last year that the widespread distribution of these substances cause “autoimmune destruction of wherever that material goes.” For the expert in immunology, this explains the broad variety of adverse events associated with the COVID-19 injections including myocarditis, heart attacks, miscarriages, and neurological problems.

Leslie states he raised concern about the revelations of these documents to Darvari, who in turn instructed him “that the documents and data were confidential” and he was forbidden to share them with anyone. While he only has two pages of these studies in his possession, he states “the remaining 400 pages were left in the hands of the team at Project Veritas.”

Also included on this list of stories O’Keefe’s organization didn’t cover is one relating to Pfizer concealing severe and even deadly side-effects of antidepressant drugs like Zoloft, which can even cause suicide, and, finally, an exposé on Twitter becoming an open vehicle for human trafficking.

Objecting to O’Keefe’s decision to not release the Twitter piece, Leslie opined, that this was “a huge story. There was a network of filth operating openly on Twitter, breaking their own terms of service and happening despite who owned the company.”

“So according to James (O’Keefe), it was a bombshell story that Jordan Tristan Walker admitted, with no evidence whatsoever, that Pfizer was mutating COVID,” he continued. “And yet, here was an entire network of what anyone with two eyes can see as child endangerment and trafficking. And his response was, ‘No smoking gun.’”

If a version of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird is still in effect, ‘James O’Keefe fits the mold beautifully’

Looking back and realizing that O’Keefe had the final say on which stories would be released, Leslie says he realized “every story that PV and OMG released were all low-baller stories. Low-hanging fruit, if you will.”

“Jordan Walker was just a director-level employee working at Pfizer. He wasn’t the CEO. He wasn’t an executive like James would claim. Do you know who was an executive? Nick Warne,” he observed. “David Casamento was just some school superintendent. His stature pales in comparison to the stuff we were revealing in the microscope exposé. While PV buried the story on Nick Warne ‘gaming the FDA,’ they highlighted Jordan Walker in mutating viruses that don’t exist.”

“As far as I could tell, this was the role that James O’Keefe was playing. It was all theater. He was filtering out the gold while peddling lumps of coal,” Leslie said. “The reality is that the undercover information I obtained in December of 2021, while the boosters and mandates were in full swing, would have blown the whole vaccine agenda wide open.”

“The bombshell material I got was utterly defused by the celebrated and lauded king of investigative journalism himself,” he asserted.

project mockingbird William Casey CIA Director

“What is my experience with James O’Keefe?” the young scientist asked. “He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I became absolutely convinced that James O’Keefe was part of some sort of version of Operation Mockingbird,” he offered in reference to the CIA propaganda program exposed in the mid 1970’s.

At that time, it was revealed, in part during the famous Church Committee hearings of 1975, that the CIA had hundreds of editors and journalists on their payroll at places like the New York Times, CBS, ABC, NBC, and many more, for the purpose of manipulating public opinion.

While on one level such government funding of legacy media propaganda is now acknowledged by front organizations behind the stories, Justin Leslie warns that alternative media outlets, such as even the “maverick” PV and OMG, may not be free from such oligarch or Deep State connections either.

“If Operation Mockingbird is still in effect, and if there are journalists working within our media today that are there to distract and deceive us, then James O’Keefe fits the mold beautifully,” he concluded.

PV staffed with ‘expert in psychological operations’ who promoted ‘QAnon’ and was at the first breach of the Capitol in SWAT gear on January 6

Other curious circumstances, behaviors and relationships caused Leslie to question the integrity of other associates at PV and OMG as well.

Among these were Alysia Gamble, another undercover journalist, and her husband Brian Gamble, who described himself as “a U.S. Navy veteran and pioneer of digital warfare doctrine.” Leslie also states Brian worked as CIO for a company with “direct ties to the World Economic Forum” along with General Michael Flynn’s “America Project” which he founded with Utah businessman Patrick Byrne.

Following his stint as CIO in that organization, Brian Gamble joined OMG with the same title for five months in 2023.

Interestingly, at least in the past Alysia and Brian Gamble had been committed promoters of the “QAnon” phenomenon which attorney Robert Barnes argued was “a sophisticated disinformation psyops campaign” that has signs of “being run by somebody with institutional influence and backing.”

Through various means, the constitutional attorney concluded that this operation was intended to incite through deception populist or conservative individuals to instigate violence which was manifested in the January 6, 2021 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol with the apparent help of many FBI operatives.

READ: Tucker Carlson: ‘FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6, according to government documents’

Additionally, Brian Gamble was also apparently present at the January 6 incident itself decked-out “in riot gear standing near a man who was clearly instigating the crowd” to violence. He was also present at the first breach of the barriers at the Capitol even while President Trump was still speaking around a mile away.

Gamble is described as a close associate with Flynn who also, like the former, promoted slogans widely known to be associated with the QAnon operation while also denying he even believed in it. Other “high level people in the military, government and media” with whom Gamble “rubbed elbows” included Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Patrick Byrne, Eric Trump, former HHS communications chief Michael Caputo, and Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio who was at least a prolific FBI informant in the past.

“If this guy (Gamble) is an expert in psychological operations, then why is he so connected to all of these media talking heads like Alex Jones and James O’Keefe?” Leslie asked in a telephone interview with LifeSiteNews. “If I could talk to Brian, my simple questions would be ‘why did you go to the Capitol on January 6 in SWAT gear? Why were you at the front lines when the barricades fell down 20 minutes before anyone else during Trump’s speech? Literally, why were you there?’”

Considering such facts and associations, Leslie concluded in the documentary, that he didn’t know who to trust anymore. “There is the potential that literally everyone that I worked with was some sort of political operative, knowingly or unknowingly.”

“Everyone surrounding me in my life became suspect. Who is compromised? Who is working for who? Who is being played and used? Who is a useful idiot just like I was? And who is an agent working undercover for some darker agenda?” he asked.

O’Keefe: ‘I went to this Bohemian Club and it’s upset people,’ ‘there’s a lot of people that support us’ there

Sharing media clips describing Bohemian Grove, Leslie’s documentary suggests that this heavily restricted 2,700-acre northern California campground is a place where perhaps some of these darker agendas are crafted.

For two weeks in mid-July every year an “encampment of some of the most prominent men in the world meet,” he explains.

Such men have included American presidents, politicians and diplomats, leaders of large corporations, including media and other powerful associations. Among the activities at these gatherings are rituals which have been described as “Satanic” with a cloud of secrecy being maintained among those who have attended.

Leslie recounts a colleague informing him that James O’Keefe had been invited to Bohemian Grove. The documentary then includes an audio recording of the OMG CEO announcing to his staff that he would be unavailable, and “unable to even look” at his phone from July 20 – 27, 2023, which, Leslie reports, “was the exact week of the encampment at the Grove.”

James O'keefe Bohemian Grove ticket

Soon after O’Keefe’s return, Leslie took a photo of his boss’s tent slip from the Grove while at his home in New Jersey, and around three weeks later, O’Keefe “came clean” to the young scientist-turned-journalist by stating in a recorded telephone conversation, “I went to this Bohemian Club, and it’s upset people. So, I just wanted to hear from you and take your temperature and see how you’re feeling, see how you’re doing, like what’s going through your mind?”

After being challenged by Leslie for attending this “most powerful secret society in the world,” O’Keefe complained about such responses to this issue from him and other employees countering that “some of our people that I’ve known for many years were there” as well, confirming “there’s a lot of people that support us that are involved in” Bohemian Grove.

While an adequate assessment of O’Keefe’s overall financial support is not available, a 2017 report reveals a sharp spike in high dollar donations to PV between 2011-2013, with significant support from individuals like Nina Rosenwald of the William Rosenwald Family Fund. The Daily Beast reports this “foundation, and Rosenwald, are major donors to American Jewish and Zionist organizations.”

Other large donors include songwriter Tom Snow, the husband of California Republican activist “Mary Belle Snow, a forceful conservative tight with (Jewish Zionist) David Horowitz.” Two of the largest donors at the time were political and charitable organizations “tied to the billionaire libertarians Charles and David Koch,” and the Jewish Zionist family of billionaire investor Robert Mercer, who has also been a large funder of Breitbart News.

Similarly included is the (Robert) Shillman Foundation, which has also been a generous benefactor of the (David) Horowitz Freedom Center, Christians United For Israel, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces and “a hawkish pro-Israel group monitoring media bias” called CAMERA.

Apparently seeking to elicit an affirmation of loyalty from Leslie, despite his attendance at the Bohemian Grove encampment, O’Keefe complained that “some people on this team are really challenging me in a fundamental way, and it’s really more than I can take right now. So, I just need to know, are you, are you with me? And just tell me the truth.”

At this point Leslie responded stating “truthfully, James, I can’t say ‘yes’ to that because of everything that we’ve been through from (my being a) Pfizer whistleblower to now.”

Leslie: ‘I wanted to blow the whistle on this bioweapon, and you shut me up,’ ‘Millions of people died,’ ‘God’s law is what matters, sir’

A conversation ensued where the young scientist recalled his suppressed stories, showing frustration at his securing such bombshell information that was in turn suppressed by O’Keefe. “I literally showed people the nanotechnology in this shot, James, like the bioweapon behind it.”

Corroborating his point was a September 21, 2023 article in the Connecticut Centinal which reported on leaked 2021 internal communications from PV revealing O’Keefe “had information that big pharma was lying to the public about the safety of the vaccines.” Yet this “information was never published.”

O’Keefe responded to Leslie arguing that PV’s attorneys advised against releasing that material, an alibi the young whistleblower didn’t accept.

“I wanted to blow the whistle on this bioweapon, and you shut me up,” Leslie charged, also recalling the Nick Warne footage where he said he had “gamed the FDA.”

“Tell me that’s not public information. Millions of people died, James, from this shot. The moral, ethical thing to do is bypass these things on paper, written laws, that don’t actually matter. God’s law is what matters, sir,” he concluded in the recorded conversation.

Leslie declines ‘Bohemian Grove hush money’ severance package as ‘dirty money’

Leslie told LifeSiteNews that this was his “resignation call” and O’Keefe’s assistant was in touch with him later to offer him a five-and-a-half-month severance from OMG, paying him till the end of the year, which he declined.

“I saw it as a severance hush money package, as dirty money, as Bohemian Grove hush money,” he said. “I didn’t even want to hear about it. I didn’t want to look at it. I didn’t want to touch it.”

Describing himself as “a follower of Jesus Christ” who decided to become a whistleblower because he “just wanted the world to stop killing themselves” with the COVID vaccines, Leslie often reflected on his responsibility before God to do the right thing, as like everyone else, he will “have to face Our Creator” in judgment one day.

Quoting one of the many clips of O’Keefe throughout the film highlighting his apparent hypocrisy, Leslie ends his documentary stating, “‘The role of a journalist is to shame the devil himself.’ Well, this is me shaming the devil. This is not about right versus left. This is not divide and conquer. This is about right versus wrong. And I choose God. I choose good. I choose team humanity.”

Though LifeSiteNews reached out to James O’Keefe six times without receiving a response, should any such a reply eventually come, a follow-up report will be provided.

This article originally posted here:


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