I Am The Happiest Man In The Whole World Today!!!
Today, all 4 of my children are CLEAN AND SOBER!!!!!
I simply have no words for the degree of pure happiness I feel right now. There really are no words to express the joy of what was lost has now been found!!!
Today, July 11, 2021, my oldest son, Matthew was baptized, in the name of the Lord Jesus, in the Pacific Ocean, with a Christian church ministry.
My children have been RAVAGED by the demon of drugs. The pharmakia of the Bible.
The pain and suffering caused by them are UNSPEAKABLE!!!
I’m in my 60’s and shocked by the constant stream of messages from Classmates.com almost daily about my classmate who is “being remembered”. Now DEAD as a doorknob.
My kids each have multiple friends who have passed already – usually from the scourge of drugs.
One name comes to mind. A guy who was a high school from of the kids. We used to hang out the back parking lot and that is where I met and hung out with Mike Musik. He was a well spoken, sharp young guy. I liked Mike. And he had such a cool name!! One day, Mike stopped showing up. Mike had died from an OD on some sort of demon filled SACKLER FAMILY OXYCODONE DRUG.. I sobered right up to the treachery of this weapon targeted against us, we the people.
I FEARED THE DAMAGE would be irreversible to my kids. Synapses destroyed. Functionality limited. Continuing addictions. Short attention spans and constant distractions would make normal life impossible in the future.
I AM SO ASHAMED for the time I spent worrying about those things, and how I limited my ALMIGHTY DADDY FATHER JESUS.
I shortchange Daddy Jesus on His ULTIMATE DESIGN – the SELF HEALING human temple of The Spirit of The Lord – THE IMMORTAL HOLY SPIRIT BURNING IN YOUR CHEST RIGHT NOW at 98 degrees.
For approximately 41 days, 62 days, and 530 days, the three out of my four children that were addicted to a whole smorgasbord variety of so many different ugly little demon drugs, HAVE NOW BEEN CLEAN AND SOBER!!!
I was SO WRONG!!!!
Every single one of them are making a FULL, COMPLETE, BETTER THAN EVER RECOVERY COMEBACKS!!!!
All three of them are like watching silkworms emerge from their cocoons – now in their late 20’s and early-mid 30’s….
Joel 2:25 “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten— the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm — my great army that I sent among you.”
Better late than never, eh..?

My Oldest Son, Matthew
Six weeks ago they called this man GHOST. He was ghostly white. A shell, a fragment of a man. When he arrived at the facility, they had to CARRY HIM into his bed, after spending the last 10 days in the hospital, fighting for his life – he narrowly escaped death. He almost died from malnourishment, due to substituting drugs for food.
Here he was today – 6 weeks later, with an additional 40+ pounds, getting close to his normal “playing weight”.
Matt is an inspiration to many of the men in the ministry that he is now serving in.
Matt is now 100% FOCUSED on the Lord Jesus in His life. He has taken a vow of celabacy for the next 6 months, so he can establish his new identity in his Father Jesus.
My daughter that did not become addicted to anything harmful, and her husband (now my third son) brought their three BEAUTIFUL daughters to the beach for a day that was a dream come true,
At the beach today I told them all of my new revelation in the past week.
The fact is that I always wanted to have eight kids. I wanted them to all look exactly alike. And I wanted them packed in tight in age so that they would be able to relate to each other and be close.
Nature intervened and after four successful births, that was the end.
My new revelation is that I WILL GET TO HAVE MY 8 KIDS!!! Obviously… Once my four get married, WE HAVE EIGHT!!!
The Lord Daddy Jesus leaves me with no words. His love oozes everywhere in my life.’
Of course, I’m the total, emotional BASKET CASE!!
I broke down and cried like a little bitty baby this day, like only once before.
The moment my Matthew was born, I began crying like a little baby. I can’t really explain why. I kind of thought that it was my emotional release that God had not held my previous sins against me. It was an amazingly wonderful experience to be a part of the birth of my firstborn – a son, my dearly beloved Matthew.
Thank you dear Holy Lord and Father Daddy Jesus.
Russell Dibird – Happiest Man In The Whole World!!!
San Diego California / Sunday 11 July 2021