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What makes me think there are ANIMALS in our community..?

I’ll prove it!!

Most of us can look around the room, right now, and see a creature covered in fur, feathers or gills.

Yes, real, live animals.

And what makes me think that they are SICK….?

According to The Whole Dog Journal, as of April, 2018, that half of dogs over 10 years old, die with cancer.

Cats are not much better off.

When I inherited my dog, in 2014, she came to me with a futon and 1/2 a bag of kibble. It didn’t take long before the kibble was gone, and it was time for me to buy some food for her.

Well I’ve been aware of my health, reading labels, and researching what the ingredients on labels actually mean for many years. So when I went to the store to look for dog food, WOW did I get an eye full.

I got SORE EYES reading those labels.

As a general rule of thumb, if there is an ingredient that I can’t SAY it, then I won’t EAT it.

And guess what…? MOST of the ingredients I could not pronounce.

So I left the store that day with the “lesser of evil” – a small bag of the one that had the least number of unsayable words. And a commitment to “investigate the situation”.

I learned that feeding our pets kibbles, it’s like eating Chicken McNuggets EVERY MEAL.


Well, it’s interesting to learn that the big pet food companies are owned by big people food companies.

The fact is that there is absolutely NO REGULATIONS or standards or inspections, when it comes to manufacturing pet food. The sad facts appear to be that these companies sell your pet food made from the food that they could not feed to you. Put super strong flavorings in it and pets will gooble it right down – just add enough vitamins so the animals don’t show symptoms for a few years. Suddenly they have a new profit center built in.

I won’t belabor the point. The results speak for themselves – woefully sick animals.

Beyond the grim discussion of cancer etc, this speaks even more to “quality of life” issues. Is your pet suffering from ALLERGIES…? It’s the food. How about sores or patches that won’t heal..? Food. The list goes on – research your pets’ problems, now, in light of this information.

I learned that by feeding a pet all RAW (uncooked), MEAT centered diet, that almost ALL health problems simply GO AWAY.

Think about zoo animals. They set records for how old they live, because they feed their animals REAL FOOD, appropriate for each type.

The philosophy that I operate by now is to replicate, as nearly as I can, what the pet would be eating in the wild. A rabbit. A squirrel. A varmint of some sort.

The general components are pretty simple. A majority of muscle meat, a small amount of organ meat, and the wild card – the contents of the stomach. Usually, our pets would eat herbivores, so the stomach contents would be greens, nuts, etc.

My routine is super simple. I’ll write about it sometime. I buy everything at the people food store. Remember, they love chicken, beef and fish.

The other amazing thing is that buying raw “people food” COSTS no more than kibble – ACTUALLY LESS. I spend about $15, every 10 days. So $45 per month, which also includes some beef bone treats.

And the SAVINGS in health care costs are STAGGERING – from what I hear – I wouldn’t know, because my dog has never been sick, so never been to the vet. I hear stories. Staggering amounts of $$ are paid to these vets.

And again, not even mentioning the “quality of life” issue. “No problems” is PRICELESS!!! My dog is simply the ideal health. No problems. Teeth look like a teenagers’.

For now, I would say to start thinking about how you can add some real, raw meat to your pets diet.

And, as always, research it for yourself.

I’m looking forward to hearing the story about your pet.

FEPeople is hopping these days!! Lot’s of new faces and new stories bubbling to the surface.. So hop on over now and introduce your bubbly self – I can’t wait to meet you 🙂

Russ Dibird


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