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If you weighted 80 pounds, would it bother you if people thought, privately, to themselves, that they THINK you are skinny.?

If you weighted 480, would you be upset if someone THOUGHT you were fat? Even though they NEVER came out and said it out loud?

In other words, is it ok for each of us to hold our own opinion…?

Is it ok for another person to demand that you not feel the way you do..?

Is it fair for someone to demand that you change the way you are currently thinking – otherwise there will be dire consequences?

Then we express our opinions to people in our trusted circle – with the implied privacy that comes with trusted friends.

What we say, in trust to friends is never meant to hurt another person because IT WAS NEVER INTENDED TO BE REPEATED.

The only reason to repeat this gossip, heard in confidence, is to cause division. To start a fight!!! And that is exactly what has happened.

This is the exact drama that has been occurring, and continues, behind the scenes at Flat Earth Radio Live.

Some of the FERLive hosts were chatting, in confidence in a private chat room, about their upcoming show, and a certain “Flat Earth Star” that they had scheduled for that night.

This is known as “locker room talk”. Meant to stay in the locker, with “the guys”, and NEVER REPEATED!!!

SO one of the FERLive hosts, without warning, starts taking screen shots from this private conversation and sending them to tonight’s guest – behind the backs of the other hosts.

I told him that in business this is called “BAD FAITH”. Or espionage.

Well, one of the comments included what evidently was a “wrong thought” about this person.

In this private conversation, one person brought up, in essence “Russ thinks tonight’s guest is SKINNY”. (I was not in the conversation)

So based on this now disgraced moles’ theft of insider information, the guru guest cancelled their appearance that night.

And that was only the beginning of the story. Now, some of the Flat Earth gooroos have banded together to BLOCK FERLive team members from posting on their farcebook pages,.

It appears as if the fb gooroos are blocking The Ferret, as a sign of solidarity behind the original, butt-hurt guru, for “hurt feelings”, (hurt by hearsay).

You heard that right right.  Some Flat Earth leaders are doing EXACTLY what they blame fb and yt of doing – CENSORING!!



Because we offended one of their gooroos.  Now the class bullies are trying to take revenge by banding together and blocking us, the authors of the “offending opinion”…

Benedict kept asking me if “I want to apologize and smooth it over”.



All I can say, is we’ve got a long road ahead, and there is lots of work to do. So let’s all grow up and not act like bickering, sensitive little SNOWFLAKES, OK.?

And then what do I say about having a genuine BENEDICT ARNOLD FE GOOROO in our own camp..?

Hmmm – we will see. Yes, we will see…

Peace, With A Sword, Or Two
Russell Dibird

View a copy of this email at https://fepeople.com/read-blog/11_flat-earth-guru-blocks-ferret-due-to-benedict-arnold-mole.html