Have you ever felt like JUMPING ON SOMEONE AND BEATING some Flat Earth Truth Into ’em…?
Or are you more mellow, more long-suffering…? We each have our own style of sharing, and it will vary with each person we are talking to, as well as the “setting” and timing, etc.
But one thing is for sure – when you bring up Flat Earth, YOU WILL GET RESISTANCE!! No matter who you are… Jesus was really on to something when He observed that “a prophet is not honored in his town”.
The point was brought home so clearly in the great video by Matt at ODD TV/REALITY regarding the Movie /Documentary “They Live” with Roddie Piper. Matt points out how exaggeratedly LONG AND DRAWN OUT was the alley fight scene between Nada and his good buddy.
It almost became comedy, it was so nonsensical and out of balance…
Kind of like some of the straight-out bizarre interactions many of us have experienced in dealing with globrainwashed peeps.. Right..? They are so twisted up and confused, that they take it out on you personally. They react with “Kill the messenger because he brought me a message I didn’t want to hear”.
Shoot, look at how I treated my best buddy, Mike, when he tried to tell me that the earth is flat… For MONTHS I blew him off.
So how should we react when they “fight back” – sometimes vehemently..?
One camp says “fight back even harder” – like Piper/Nada did in the film.. Jesus commanded His disciples: “if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one”. Then on the other hand, apostle Paul said: “one sows, one waters, another reaps”. A not so pushy approach – more laize-faire…
It appears that we are given a wide variety of “correct reactions”, all based on one thing – YOUR GUT!!! The situation. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF WHAT IS RIGHT (Luke 12:57)….. In other words, use the wherewithal that you posses, the enablement (grace) you have been given, and determine what is appropriate for the current situation.
And remember, if you really love someone, sometimes you have to prove it by kicking their tale – instead of giving them the bubblegum they ask for…
I would love to hear your views… Put it on your wall now, or make a video, sing a song, create a meme, (forward to me for now, soon login to your own channel) write an article, or get on radio – as a guest, or host your own show.
PEACE, with a SWORD or two
Russell Dibird