Chapter IV
Although I am not blind to the evils committed in the name of Jesus Christ, I recognize that our churches have accomplished some GOOD. And, although I have much fault to find with our Bible, yet THE BIBLE is my most treasured possession. The fact of my discerning immense error and WRONG therein, does not blind me to ITS WONDROUS GOOD AND BEAUTY and THE GLORIOUS LORD AND REDEEMER JESUS THE CHRIST WHO WENT TO AND THROUGH HELL FOR YOU and FOR ME! It changed my life, and is now a living part thereof!
Though my words may be harsh at times – and rightly so – the Bible was the means of a rightabout TURN in my life; and that for the better! Almost two decades I had lived in the delusions promulgated by the cults. No church nor preacher led to my conversion: it was only a week or so of Bible reading which opened for me the flood gates of LIVING LIGHT. It set the AUTHOR OF LIFE before me in rapturous vision of BEAUTY never touched on by the cults and poorly in the churches. It is not with “the word of God” I find fault; but only with the vociferous word of MAN which desecrates numerous pages of our Bible.
What! Suppose you that I have not heard as well as read II Peter 1:20&21? Its basic statement is correct but, as used by pulpiteers, largely false. Peter was somewhat familiar with the Old Testament incidental to synagogue services. It was concerning that he made those statements. And, he confined himself to “prophecy”, for, of such he had heard on sabbath days.
The second and most pathetic delusion rests in the false claim that the disciples SPOKE ONLY THE WORDS GIVEN THEM BY GOD! What wishful balderdash! You have already seen it ESTABLISHED that Jesus the Christ was murdered by order of those that KNEW HIM TO BE THEIR MESSIAH! (Or are you so brainwashed you prefer to believe that because of an error-in-ignorance, God judged them without mercy throughout multiplied centuries?) HEAR the words of God to Moses:
And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming;”The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin!
Exo 34:6&7
So back to Peter:”Now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders. “
Acts 3:17But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other;`This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them.
Matt 21:38 & 45
There Peter stated clearly that the rulers did it in “ignorance”.
WHO was right: God or Peter? Yet again:”this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: “`In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit”
Acts 2:16 & 17
Joel was a prophet through whom God spoke “of the LAST DAYS.” But 19½ centuries ago, Peter said, “THIS IS THAT”-which meant Peter was saying that THEIR DAYS WERE THE LAST DAYS! When “speaking in tongues”, we are told that was “as the spirit gave them utterance.” THAT is reasonable and acceptable. But to say that when John or Peter spoke at other times that such was the very word of God IS COMPLETELY FALSE! The simple and/or deceiving pulpiteers making such statements HORRENDOUSLY DECEIVE the congregations, FEW – if any among them – ever study the Scriptures. Consequently, with open mouth – so to speak – they swallow whatever garbage sounds forth While those men of the cloth which frequently claim that every word within the covers of our Bible is the inbreathed, inerrant word of God, hold a whiplash over the congregation. The latter is in spiritual bondage – even slavery
Did I say ‘garbage’? That reminds me: it is not too difficult to find in the Bible I (Yes, I mean it!) A verse in Job 40 should convince you.”Look at the behemoth….”
vs 15 (God supposedly speaking – see vs 1) His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron.
vss. 17 & 18
When God comes down to the level of man, adumbrating about the TAIL and gonads of a water ox, that – to me – is GARBAGE! “He moves his tail like a cedar”! That is poetic exaggeration. In fact, the so-called “Book of Job” was originally a POEM, written to extol the virtues of Job. When and IF God points out the rear end of a water ox, chortling – as it were – over the tail moving as a cedar tree and its gonads as STONES wrapped together by sinews, I might as well go tune in on Lucifer! For, it is he that has extolled man’s genitalia! IF you can picture God pointing out the gonads of a water ox as being something to chortle over and a proof of God’s greatness, well, you and I are in camps ten thousand miles apart. Let no one kid you that God put His seal to the book of Job: it was only to the righteousness of the MAN (Job). Did not the Christ say: of the heart’s fullness the mouth overflows? Where-fore, well might we surmise that the poet-author of “Job”, at some time beheld the rear of that behemoth, saying to himself: “Oh boy: if only I were hung like that! ” But to attribute such garbage to the very Creator, is almost straight out of the Pit!
I love my Lord! This I KNOW: He never strives to set forth His own greatness by adumbrating about the gonads of a water ox! “To hell” with such garbage!
One more word about Peter. Throughout a full three years, he had followed the Master – beholding the mighty works “which no other man did”! Numerous times had he heard these words: “…the Son of man…” He had also heard Him say He was “the Son of God”. Peter himself had declared the Master to be the Messiah – the Son of God, although that was nothing new. For, on the very second day of their first going forth, Philip said unto Nathanael:”We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote–Jesus of Nazareth”
John 1:45
Coming to the 4th chapter of ACTS, after Peter and John had been beaten and commanded to not speak and teach in the name of Jesus, they returned unto their own company, reporting all that had transpired. Then “with one accord” they lifted up their voice unto God saying:”for of a truth against your holy servant Jesus
Acts 4:27
The same blather is repeated in verse 30.
EMMANUEL – the Mighty God, the everlasting Father whom in AWE they had beheld as A MAN AMONG MEN in MANLINESS and in fearless words, was now but a little “CHILD”! Repeated 3 verses later. Yes, I said, “blather”! It makes no sense. It is not for me to say that Peter did or did not speak those words; yet such is the record!
However, there is another possibility: it was PREPARATORY for the entrance of the “Holy Mary, Mother of GOD…” blather, centuries later. For, we must remember that our translations post-date the Vulgate.
When on this possibility we reflect, as well as on numerous other instances in scripture which we cannot label ‘possibilities’, but FACT – then what of our beloved Bibles? HEAR a portion of His parable:”An enemy-man has done this…”!
Matt 13:28
“….while MEN SLEPT…” vs. 25
The foregoing is from the parable of the TARES, which were sown among the good wheat WHILE MEN SLEPT. Although not in the Authorized Version, the ‘MAN’ word is in the Greek. Naturally, that had to be dropped lest “the cat be let out of the bag”. WHAT, then, is the sad and unavoidable conclusion? It is in total refutation of the pulpiteers! Although we are justified to say that the devil has sown a multitude of wrong thoughts and desires into the mind of man – here that cannot be the answer; for, it was A MAN that sowed the darnel – even the counterfeit wheat!! I – Mystery-Guest-Author – have found it strewn throughout the pages of our Bible, while in the New Testament portion IT ABOUNDS! Consequently, as I have repeatedly remarked, Aside from ‘Jesus Christ – the Son of God – Who came to earth for man’s redemption’; the balance is “Lucifer’s interpretation of Christ”! To which has been added abundantly the words of men!
We have looked at the braggadocio – Peter -who would rather die than deny his Lord! You might reply: that was many weeks before the Spirit Baptism. Granted. But how much had that changed him? Somewhat! Only in a little measure, for, it was POWER the Christ promised – not a changed character, many years later, the zealous Paul took him to task because of his skulking hypocrisy!
So, let us ‘briefly glance at the zealous Paul – strident throughout twelve and more Epistles, (Although I am critical: finding mostly the man Paul in his Epistles – instead of the Word of God – I still hold him in very high esteem. I have said in the past and continue to say: I believe that eventually his glory shall be found to outshine most – if not all – others. Not because of faultless teachings, but because of his selfLESS labors: his self-sacrificing battle to serve the Lord Jesus whom at first he persecuted. Though his tribulations mounted, he never flagged nor flinched, but true and valiant for his Lord to the last breathe. Hence his scintillating glory now and evermore….)Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality
Il Tim. 1:1O
Did Paul factually believe that? Far from it! Had he, today he would still be among us! Clever swimmers in the misty sea of theology can crawfish, then dart around the ‘immortality’ statement; but “…Who HAS ABOLISHED DEATH” cannot be warped to mean “pie in the sky” after you die! The only ‘death’ of which man knows anything is that of our physical bodies HERE and NOW!”the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.”
1 John 3:8
The basic work by the devil was to bring DEATH into the world. WHY was the devil so keen to accomplish that? (I will come to that shortly.)”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ”
Matt 11:28,29
That was the Christ announcing He had OVERCOME DEATH and ‘sent packing’ the Cherubim with the turning sword.
You, yes YOU who believe the devil’s lie: when you are sick and told your remaining days are very few: does it give you REST to look forward to six feet under? Was it REST in the grave of which the Lord spoke? But NO -the deceivers answer: “It is REST for the ‘soul’ because ‘we are saved’.”
The Christ was no deceiver. HE made a twofold statement: a) “I will give you rest”, and b) “Rest unto your souls.” “I will give you rest” applies to the here and now – just as you are – having nothing to do with the wings of ‘salvation’. Stop to think and take stock: where is it observed? So soon as sick, then the mad rush to the doctor, hoping he can postpone entry to that hole in the ground. IF terminal, the last penny – if need be – must be spent for a ‘transplant’: whatever the cost and prolonged suffering, DEATH MUST RE STAVED OFF! What ‘rest’ !!”Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die.
Jn. 6:49,5O
“This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever!” vs.58
“I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” Jn. 8:58
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Jn. 11:25,26
IF we are rational as well as honest, it becomes utterly impossible to so wrench these six passages by the Lord Himself to refer to an endless life beyond the grave! I said, “utterly IMPOSSIBLE”, if we are both rational and honest! There are also two other passages in the 6th chapter which – apparently – indicate the same, but can be debated by the brainwashed and/or dishonest. “NOT like unto your fathers who ate manna and died: he who eats of this bread SHALL NEVER DIE!” I believe the Christ was fully honest: I believe His every word. Really? Yes indeed! Decades ago I used to believe that His saying “Let the dead bury their dead” had to be “interpreted”; but now I know even that was/is literally true! For, at the time of the resurrection, MILLIONS OF THE DEAD WILL BURY THE DEAD I
WHY, then, are none of the Lord’s apostles among us today? Because they DID NOT BELIEVE HIM! Time and again throughout the gospels we are told that He foretold them He would be apprehended, humiliated, delivered to the Gentiles who would scourge and crucify Him, but that on the 3rd day He would rise again. Yet the colossal, face-saving LIE is added: “they did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them…”! (Luke 9:45)
CLEARLY did they understand His every word! (Be not Satanic!) They simply DID NOT BELIEVE HIM I They believed He was the promised Messiah and – as such – would deliver Israel from the Roman oppression. So they reasoned that A DEAD MAN could not oust the Romans. Upon the Cross, they beheld His suffering and that He bled to death. Therefore did Thomas say he would not, could not, believe He had risen from the dead, because “the LIFE is in the blood”! Thomas had seen the dead brought back to life, but those three dead bodies still had blood left within. But a corpse without blood? UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE – so reasoned Thomas. Even as they all reasoned a dead one could not oust the Romans. When a parent decides to tell something to the youngsters, does that parent use such words and twisted statements so that the young cannot understand? So, how much less so should we attribute such inconsistent lunacy to the Christ?
It is now about 3 decades since I commenced to set forth the Truth of immortality in human. flesh HERE AND NOW. So WHY have many of my students gotten sick and died? ? Simply answered!
The primitive pair in the Garden Beautiful had HEARD the voice of God, telling them they should not touch, taste nor eat of the Tree of Knowledge. But when the sun-baked coils of the serpent were on her nude body, she FELT its wiggling tail further down. It FELT GOOD. Surely you have heard that “a bird in hand is worth several in the bush”? Similarly with the Edenic pair. Eve remembered the words of the Lord, that was but a memory of words heard. But then and there she could FEEL the delightful sensation of the serpent’s warm, gently moving tail. FEELING then and there was far more superior to remembering a past voice! It was “the bird in hand” – not those in the bush.
Similarly with my students and whomsoever. Perhaps no longer young and supple, they say: “I must be getting old”! The doctor confirms that suspicion. Some day, suddenly sickness intrudes! FEAR strikes at the heart thought I would become an immortal” – the whine is barely heard. THEY FEEL the pain of the illness, but the words of Mystery-Guest-Author they only saw or heard. And those of the Christ? HE must have been misquoted! … I AM GETTING WORSE! …. ….Surely, that horribly black hole is already waiting for me”!! “According to your faith be it done unto you”! In principle the Garden episode repeats: FEELing outweighs the remembrance of words.
IT IS and ever has been thus. But Jesus Christ – indwelled by the very Spirit, which had created our earth and life upon it, demonstrated His POWER OVER DEATH AND ALL THE WILES OF THE ENEMY. Believe Him: His every word was/is true. Give the boot to the devil and all of his slithering coils. But let me add this: So long as a person continues to live in sin” -as the saying goes – then that person “believes not in Jesus Christ”
Clearly did our Lord say to the Jews:
Jesus replied,”I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:34-36
By those words the Lord compared the sinner to a slave. And, as a slave would not continue forever, so neither could the sinner continue to abide in the house (the human body) permanently.
I heard an ordained gospel minister say: “We are all sinners; I am a sinner, and so are all of you”! What devilish encouragement to abide a slave to Lucifer! And such men of the cloth have the gall to pose as servants of Jesus Christ!
Well might we wonder what such propagandists for the devil do with the oft repeated statements about “DEATH of the ‘old man'” and “born again into a NEWness of life; “led by the Spirit”, et cetera.
I recognize it is easy to drift with the tide, to follow in the previous ways. But so long as that we espouse and practice, we should be ashamed to name the name of Christ our Redeemer.
Speaking for myself: insofar as I am aware, I have lived a great many years WITHOUT SIN. How the Lord sees it is not for man to judge. But when our conscience is fully clear, then have we peace within and confidence towards God. While a person is young, holding down a job, or in business, there is constant contact with those in Lucifer’s power. That makes it more difficult; yet possible (I speak from experience). This contact with the unregenerate was typified in the Law of Moses by a person touching a dead body: UNclean until the going down of the Sun! This was also shown us by God calling Israel out of Egypt; that they might be a holy (“separated”) people unto the Lord.
Similarly did the Lord show forth unto the 12 at the Last Supper by laying aside His garment. Being girded with a towel, He washed the feet of the disciples. “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”! The unveiling of this I set forth – maybe two decades ago. Here I will only point to this selfsame cleansing truth: at the close of a day’s labor, our feet have brought us in contact with the unregenerate. Consequently, our mind was defiled: we became unclean! Therefore must our feet get washed: we must come unto the Lord in prayer, that – in His precious blood – we may again be cleansed from the day’s defilement. The same applies with reference to the close of life’s ‘day’: none may proceed into the Lord’s presence UNLESS CLEAN! (“Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”)
We must ever bear in mind that none of us can ever come into His presence until tested, and also found clean. Even the very Creator Spirit manifest in the body of the Nazarene even the Yahweh of old – HAD TO BE TESTED to the uttermost, even far beyond that which any one of us could take without a whimper. That was a must – even for very God!
What Mystery-Guest-Author, are you saying that God must be tested? WHO can ‘test’ God?”
YOU stumble over this because you do not understand the ‘God’ word. ~ Whomsoever: “Who, what is ‘God’?” The quick reply will come: “Gad refers to the Creator: He who made heaven and earth and man upon it.” That is the common concept, yet it bears but a shadow of Truth
When you have searched out many passages in Scripture, you will find the foregoing concept does not fit. As for instance: “…and I will be his God and he will be my son.” (Rev. 21:7). Numerous are the other passages, similar Were you to substitute ‘father’ that would almost fill the requirement. I know of only one word in the English language which fits every in-stance, and also adds up to good sense. That word is “Keeper”, which is also the meaning of the word God. The “Keeper” is the One on the Heavenly Throne of Power: that may be either Father or Son – dependent on time and conditions obtaining.
Here on earth a father may tell his eldest son to make something of great importance perhaps the building of a new house. Still, that assignment does not change the father’s responsibility as the “keeper” of the family, neither his commanding position. Wherefore, when Son was on earth to REDEEM all of His, the “Keeper” on the Heavenly Throne “put Him through the paces” to see what He would do under every testing circumstance. Then, when at last He had proven Himself THE ABSOLUTE VICTOR over every wile of Lucifer’s and Aaron’s devilish clan, was the All Highest Father both willing and justified to “grant Him ALL POWER” – both in Heaven and over the earth – JUSTIFYING His getting seated on the right hand of the Father (EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR with POWER UNLIMITED!) “My beloved Son in Whom I AM WELL PLEASED” ! But the time approaches that the Son (very God) must again return to earth for a period of time. THEN must the ALL Highest again resume the Throne. Throughout what length of time I do not know; neither is that any of our concern.
By Mikkel Dahl