< Chapter 5| INDEX | Chapter 7 >
Perhaps it would be in place here to consider the place of God’s residence! Is His Throne far away in space, or is He like the air: everywhere about us? Or perhaps He is within each being like some postulate? (THAT would give us well over two billion ‘Gods’ in the world today!)
Theories can easily be hatched, and cults built on the vapid mouthing of would-be-Gods. Yet His inspired Word is very clear and emphatic on the matter for those who prefer Truth to fiction. (Admittedly, ‘fiction’ seems to be the preferable reading by the masses.) Aside from the repeated statement by Jesus that He “came DOWN from Heaven” and that He “came FORTH from the Father” (John 3:13; 6:38, 51, 58 and 16:13) we have the precision wording by God Almighty to Moses; ” I am COME DOWN” and “the Lord will COME DOWN”. (Exod 3:8, 19:11, 18). IF God is everywhere present, then He cannot” come DOWN” ! Similarly, IF God is WITHIN EACH INDIVIDUAL, and then He can’t come DOWN…. We can either wander midst the confusion of man-invented theories, or accept the clear and simple Truth as God has proclaimed it. But in an effort to understand His manifestation, we should distinguish clearly between GOD and His spirit-SUBSTANCE BY AND THROUGH WHICH HE MANIFESTS. This SUBSTANCE is everywhere present. To observe God’s manifestation, or moving-in or through this omnipresent SUBSTANCE and thereby postulate God (in person) as EVERYWHERE PRESENT, is like saying that because we can hear radio programs in our homes; THE BROADCASTING STATION IS ALSO PRESENT!
This I have said (and it bears repeating): Wherever, whenever and WHATEVER God has spoken, THERE MUST BE THE DIVINE IMPRIMATUR! Is not the wisdom of the Omniscient and the power of the Omnipotent, EQUAL THERETO? And such Divine signatures are by themselves PROOF THAT GOD IS AN INDIVIDUAL (-ized intelligence).
The passages from Zech 11 have been used already to PROVE UNDISPUTABLY that the Almighty Creator – who identified Himself as Yahweh to Moses – would later incarnate in human flesh and be “sold for 30 pieces of silver”. THIS we have abundant reason to believe saw fulfillment in the betrayal of Jesus the Nazarene – Whom we call the Christ.
By Mikkel Dahl