< Chapter 7 | INDEX | Chapter 9 >
“I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that, WHERE I AM THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO” – John 14:2-3.
Here we see He would not take them until He had a place prepared for them.
Similarly did God ceaselessly labor thru cyclic eras of time that He might have a HOME well prepared for His planned children. This necessitated a minimum of one solar system.
With that estate prepared and the ‘home’ built, He entered into Fatherhood. There was plenty of playground for His ‘first-born.’ And in process of time he strode the estate with His Father. In the approaching maturity of years, the Son wondered to His Father about the expansiveness of the lavish estate, and its becoming, or creation. So, that the Son might be a builder or creator, like unto His Father, a minimum of another solar system was brought into being. The Son watched carefully as ‘the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters’ (Gen 1:2) Did He glide, swim, hop or sprint?
As in so many another instance, the Hebrew stem has been mistranslated as ‘moved’, although the word contains substance. ‘Vibrated’ would have conveyed the right thought to us, for, controlled vibration was the means whereby God brought order out of chaos.
Having seen His Father labor thru spiraling eras of time to produce another glorious ‘estate’, the young Son was intrigued and said: “Father, do you suppose that I might try some time to duplicate your handiwork?”
The Father knew then that His ‘One-begotten’ (not ‘only begotten’ as erroneously rendered) was ‘coming of age’, so He replied substantially, “Proceed, my Son. As you have beheld, it is an involved process and, you might make the occasional error; or a vibration, the range and pitch of which you may not have calculated to its final power. But I shall ever be at your side.”
The power tubes (rendered ‘pipes and tabrets’ in the AV) and transformers in the young One commenced to glow as the symphony of notes rose and receded, while about Him a rhapsody of color-tints played like enchanted nymphs in rainbow garments while giving motion to their joy.
Far out thru space the voice-tones drove, gradually bending, arcing and returning to the author; while in their remembrance was brought back matter. (“My word shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” – Is 55:11) This ‘matter’ we might term a condensation of energy.
Now the power-tubes took on a blinding light as the VOICE flashed thru and the transformer rocketed into high pitch. Incandescent grew the light about Him: gases and matter raced thru vibration channels until alight with the fire of God. An embryo nebula had come into being, which grew in volume and heat intensity as the generative cycle ran its course. While at its core a sun was formed, the central vortex of which was the Young One.
As the next cycle dawned, crystallization at the sun’s poles was drawn towards its equatorial belt where, by centrifugal force of its terrific speed, a vast volume was shot into outer space, there to take up its calculated orbit about the parent sun. A planet had been ‘born’ (or ‘created’ – if you thus prefer).
Eager to see His own work blaze forth by the Father’s, the second planet was ‘born’ – should we say – prematurely. Observing this precipitate process, the Father, said nothing as the young Creator precalculated its orbit, but failed to take into consideration the mass and pull of the somewhat adjacent system He had watched His Father bring into being. This added factor had then not been present. So, before the cycle dropped its curtain, the two planets had been drawn sufficiently off their course to collide in the fury of metal and fire. The second and smaller buried its molten core in the body of the greater, but the titanic explosion engendered by its surface crust as it entered the inner fire of the giant, shot vast masses of fragments into space. (Today they are seen as asteroids and meteors.)
Substantially said the Father to His young One: “REALISTICALLY do you now behold the twin poles of cause and effect. Every trill and cadence of the creative voice brings into existence its corresponding crystallization: this the formative or positive. While thru its nether pole of manifestation, the devastation is equally as certain and cataclysmic. To create is our intrinsic power, but ever resultant minutiae overlooked until the created has fulfilled its purpose and completed its course, will have its repercussion in due time, and may even wreck all the good of many ‘days’, creative work. Purposely I held my peace that you might receive an everlasting lesson thru that which now transpired. But soon I shall show you the extended calculus, superimposed upon your own, detailing the required pitch of tone-drives that the succeeding bodies thrown off maybe so timed and directed as to offset the present aberration and restore the required symphony. While that which now seems lost we shall later recapture before the completed universe vaults from out our fire.
“What you have now beheld was my permissive will, to the end its Truth shall ever live within your heart: the creator’s supreme qualification is to precalculate to its final power and perfecting cycle, every step and procedure, in order that all which is brought forth shall finally attain the supreme symphony which is yours and mine to know. HENCE the innumerable days of my past repose that every detail of THE PLAN might become an integrated factor with one another, eventuating in a glorious symphony.”
Spiraling cycles dawned and closed, nebulae were formed, heated and blazed into incandescent light as directed by the Spirit fire at its core, suns grew and planets were born. Solar Systems took up their labyrinthine courses as the galaxy grew and the universe expanded, while Father and Son were ‘one’ in planning and creative labors.
When and wherever there is a commencement of that which is great, with the intention of thereby manifesting forth His will, THERE is the Creator in person THE CENTRAL VORTEX of the embryo creation. For, that which we may term its pattern must be founded in Himself. But His remaining as its Central Vortex need not go beyond that moment in time when He has established its vibrational nucleus within the archetypal matrix of that which is planned HE can then withdraw, the dynamic of the central nucleus He established will continue building until the matrix has been filled. It is like the mighty oak which develops out of little acorn, or a perfect human being developing from a microscopic seed.
The power of establishing His desired vibratory pitch is clearly alluded to in Deut 12:11 also in 5, 21 as well as in Ex 20: 24. To man it was but an invisible unheard vibration or POWER PRESENCE for, assuredly, there is not the faintest intimation in Scripture that Yahweh ever wrote or caused His name to be inscribed in that Sanctuary, in the Ark, at Shiloh or elsewhere.
Into that Central Nucleus is sounded the detailed vibration of that which He has planned and wills to be. Its rate of development and time for maturity is in relationship to the vibrational tempo of the Nucleus in ratio to that of the matrix and its size.
As growth continues and development proceeds, certain phases thereof may require specific stimuli or direction even as our scientists send out a beam to an orbiting satellite, causing it to eject a nose-cap or specifically perform at a planned place and time. Therefore we read:
“And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices.” – Rev 4:5
“My right hand (creative power) has spanned the heavens: when I call unto them they stand up together.” Is 48:13; also 40:26
We are expected to understand that He does not call for the fun of it; that at the POWER of His VOICE all of creation throbs, glows and is energized to speed on unto the glorious climax of its planned destiny.