< Chapter 17 | INDEX | Chapter 19 >
* “Let us create man in our own image. Male and female created He them” – Gen 1:26-27
This was the primitive humanity which ranged the earth thruout misty cycles of time. They were hermaphrodites: both male and female complete in one body. GOD IS COMPLETE IN HIS OWN BEING: man was created in the image of God (‘male and female created He them’). Observe that this is the first and basic account; Adam and Eve who lived later are related. later.
This primitive humanity was OBEDIENT: being complete within themselves they were without passion. And without passion, the increase of their species was a slow process. They were deathless beings (‘in the image of God’). An individual ‘in the image of God’ would range the earth for thousands of years, until he had gained full control of all his vehicles and link of mind (‘and let them have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earthЕЕ Gen 1:26
To bring forth another human being ‘in the image of God’ was a burdensome procedure with no apparent gain, satisfaction or advantage attached thereto.
God had told them to be fruitful and multiply, but THAT did n o t specify amount. A perfect man, attaining 2000 years of age would have been obedient unto the Divine injunction if bringing forth but two more ‘sons in the image of God,’
The process was slow: too slow! There were thousands times multiplied millions of spirits awaiting INCARNATION on earth – leading to full sonship with God.
The spirits indwelling those sons of God in His own image were VIRGIN SPIRITS which had ‘retained their first estate.’ Because of their obedience, and to hasten their full-blown maturity into SONSHIP, they were permitted to enter such human forms, living therein until they had perfected their vehicles. In that day (of their having gained a FULL DOMINION), their bodies ‘were raised in vibratory pitch until they were no longer clod-hoppers, hit glorified beings in a super-terrestrial realm.
The Plan was perfect, and functioned perfectly, except for its slowness. Yet ‘eternity’ was ahead. In the realm of God there is no rush. Yet the young and prismal virgin spirits YEARNED for opportunity to race into the status of perfected Sons of the Living God (their Father). By incarnating in the fleshly sons of God, they could speed up their progress TENfold. (The soul-world stands to the denseness of the earthly in 1 to 10.)