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Is eating an animal based diet really the BEST CHOICE of food for us, when we examine the facts..?

Once you examine what it is that you are really doing, sometimes you find change for the better.

It is refreshing once in a while, to take a step back, and look at our lives, and ask “Am I doing the best I can with the days of my life”.?

What I discovered is that including meat in my diet does not work well for me.  Like most of us, I grew up on it every day of my life.  Then the repetition got me used to feeling “that way”.

What way..?  It’s hard to describe.

You really have to EXPERIENCE IT for yourself.

Once you go a period of time with no meat, along with eating a good, clean, plant based diet, you will be SHOCKED AT HOW YOU FEEL!!!

SHOCKED!!  And delighted.

For one thing, with a plant based diet, I feel “lighter”, and the scales show it.  Meat is more difficult to digest.  It requires many more “resources”, and much longer period of time to pass through your system.  Plant based food comes with it’s own “exit strategy” built right in – natural fiber.

Another advantage that I distinctly feel eating plants only, is it puts me IN A BETTER MOOD.  We all feel “down” at times, but I noticed a difference in how I feel overall.  Like my “happiness levels” go UP with NO meat.  Eating meat, I now see, when consumed regularly, made me “grumpy”. Probably that bloated, drug down feeling.

And science seems to agree with what I felt naturally.  This article details a very comprehensive study that was conducted on employees of a company who had type 2 diabetes.  The differences recorded were astounding.

“Study participants experienced overall productivity and measurable improvements in anxiety, depression, fatigue, and general health.”

Read it all here and

My final point of “what it did for me”.

I came up with the idea for the Flat Earth Media Group, while under the influence of VEGANISM!!!  My further experience with not eating meat is I found that my pineal gland seemed to “unclog”, become more “clear” and I became more aware of my INTUITION

I FELL IN LOVE with this feeling, or experience called INTUITION!!

Learning to recognize intuition, and then learning to trust it, has been an unexpected side benefit of switching to a plant based diet.

So even a cursory look into it, you easily find study after study singing the praises and showing the benefits of switching from ANIMALS to PLANTS as your food source.  From reduced risk of heart disease, improved length and quality of life on practically every level, especially mentally, and raised energy levels, are the result of a meatless diet.

Here is an excellent new video on the subject, for your viewing, and learning pleasure:

Vegan 2018 – The Film

Get To Know My Buddy Mo —– Mo Health!!!
Russell Dibird

REPRINTED on my profile at FEPeople here OR