“A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish (tribulation) because of her joy that a child is born into the world.”John 16:21
Precious Friends, students and readers:
A most joyous greeting in the name All-Beautiful!
Now I have a major ‘revelation’ to set before you. Some of you might gloss over it as of minor importance, yet those who look for and expect perfection in God’s Word will REJOICE. While many a woman who reads this will shout for JOY – even some will laugh ‘tears’ (of joy). It is founded in the Scriptural backdrop above. You will also observe a slightly changed rendering (to the Authorized Version) believing it to be considerably closer to the Greek text than our A.V.
Many read a portion of Scripture, then lay it aside – happily satisfied for having “read.” Similarly, many will “read” the messages I send out, then cast aside, wondering – perhaps – what ‘good’ – if any – it might have contained.
It is only on rare occasions I receive a direct revelation. (My wondrous Lord expects me to meditate deep and long on His every word from the Throne Room.) During these last 45 years, no doubt I have gone through John 14, 15, 16 and 17 one thousand times, possibly several thousand times; often meditating 5, 10 or more minutes on just a few words, that I may behold new dimensions in Truth, in Beauty, in wisdom and Glory. IT IS THERE!! Have I not told you time and again that in future eons to come, His Spirit shall show forth “treasures NEW” from out of that matchless storehouse! It is WE who are so dumb: we read – thinking it is all on the surface. We have “one track” minds which is why we are so stupid. But HE as the Center and Eternal Being, irradiates outwardly to all segments of the periphery. We might think of Him as the center of a sphere, even the “eye” and dynamic thereof.
Now for the ‘revelation’: you are aware how in the past I have somewhat grumbled over the “manchild” of Revelation 12:5. Actually, in the Greek it is a stronger expression, like this: “…brought forth a son, a male who is about to begin shepherding all the nations with an iron rod….”
My wondrous, All Beautiful and rapturously ADORABLE Lord, overwhelms and ‘floors’ me by His patience, His goodness and LOVE to me-wards…. More than a thousand times have I read and thought about it. So, because of my utter stupidity, denseness and materialistic perspective – His compassion enfolded me the other morning, as he flashed THE TRUTH before me (while dwelling on John 16:21). It overwhelmed and floored me. It’s so simple and beautiful it becomes ecstatic (to me). Now, take these simple factors and join them into the TRUTH (-ful answer).
I have shown you how WE are generated into the 60-fold by a living seed out of His treasury. Jesus was a male of the specie. His seed – after the glorification – could only beget His own kind! That ‘male’ seed of perfection, received and coalescing with the human one in our inner being, TRANSFORMS the substance to that of its own. Which means that every Christian – male or female – “generated from above,” instantly becomes an embryonic MALE deep in the inner being. When, then, such a one is called up, being CHANGED into the form of the transformed God-man, “a SON, a male” becomes the perfect expression to depict that which goes out and up to meet Him.
Ye “daughters of faith” I rejoice with you! “Daughters of Faith” – rejoice with me that His compassion-in-patience enveloped, and unfolded before me (that which is so beautifully simple I should have grasped it the first time I read).
I have ever believed that women would share in the Rapture. Although I have considered the generic term as somewhat explanatory, it never fully satisfied (in view of the DOUBLE male expression in Rev. 12:5 ‘a son, a male’). But now we KNOW and can behold its simplicity and beauty. And it fully confirms the correctness of my vision well over 40 years ago, when shown a group of the Bridal company, ALL in male attire and masculine features, yet many of them I recognized as women I had met.
So, that’s that! At times I say to myself, HOW DUMB can I be? And again, HOW GOOD can He be (to me)? Presumably, the logical answer to that last one becomes:
Feeling sorry for me because of my stupidity, He showers upon me extra favors.
Bear in mind that whatever THE year our Lord returns, about 2 weeks previous thereto will be the great day of Trumpets, “when the last trump shall sound” – at which instant a vast, innumerable company shall be seen to take aloft in scornful defiance of gravity! Shoes, clothes, etc., drop to earth shortly after takeoff, yet instantly beheld in shining vestments, being the “Wedding garment” (Matt. 22:11-12) of those going to partake in the wedding supper put on by the Great KING for His SON.
THEN begins emptying the “7 vials of wrath” to be poured forth upon the inhabitants of earth. Some sects and Bible teachers take the wine cup of God’s fury (Jer. 25:15), linking it with the “Vials of Wrath” and Rev. 14, contrasting the same to I Thess. 1:10 and 5:9, on which they build the dogma that Christians shall have no part in the Great Tribulation; while many of the ni postulate that since the Tribulation is to last 7 years, that means Believers will be taken out of the world 7 years previous to the Lord’s return to earth. I am not so sure that jumbled facts could be worse!
I have claimed of long standing that Israel will be defeated in a future war, and cooped up in very limited territory.
So “because lawlessness shall abound,” the love for God and fellow man freezes out! When love flies away, then does hell take over.
Immediately following those words, our Lord spoke of the “end.” And when the glad tidings of the true kingdom shall have been sounded to all nations, “then shall the end come.” While by Matthew 24:l5 it becomes quite evident that something tremendously “abominable” shall appear in the “Holy Place.” We might with justification think of entire Palestine as “the Holy Place,” but I personally believe that God through Daniel, and the Christ, refers to that small place on which was built the Temple of Solomon, and now holds the Mosque of Omar (sometimes called the “Dome of the Rock.” But it would be more to the point to say “the dome on the rock.”)
What will that “abomination” be? Unless directly revealed by God, we cannot tell now. As reported in a past Chat, a friend submitted that the “abomination of Desolation” could become Atomic bombing of the Israel nation (A-bom-i-nation). I consider this a sombre possibility, but I believe that the Lord’s words refer to some thing far more specific as to location. Years back I voiced the thought that if the United Nations Organization were to be transferred to Jerusalem, that might readily fulfill the prophecy. But as yet, that does not seem likely, certainly not imminent. What then?
During the past few decades, I have voiced two convictions with reference to Palestine and the Jews. First, that they would be regathered to Palestine and never again be dispersed. Successfully they survived the war of 1948-9, that of 1956, as well as the “Six Day War” of 1967, and the “war of Atonement” in 1973. All this was a must because they had to become established. They had to become that “beacon”, and that “ensign” which was to “hiss unto the nations” (see Isa. 5:26). While secondly, after well established with their required representative number there (whatever that number be in the mind of God), then shall the enemy be victorious over them. Then shall fulfill Isaiah 30:17 when “a thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one” (dictator).
And when future events fulfill this expectation, then we may look for the sudden and startling fulfillment according to God’s prophetic word that an “abomination unto desolation” shall become located in a Holy Place. I personally consider the most likely development will simply be a supreme head or dictator will give orders from the Dome of the Rock (assuming it still stands at that time). The government he heads will be anti-Jewish and anti-Christian. And it will spell “desolation” for the Jews in Palestine when they know they have been whipped and are helpless, taking orders from one of non-Jewish faith and from that very holy rock upon which father Abraham “through faith offered up his son, Isaac” (Heb. 11:17). Or conceivably, the headquarters could be set up on Calvary….
Those of us who live to see the day, or whatever development fulfills that prophecy by Daniel and the Christ, will then know that the greatest tribulation which man has ever seen, or ever will witness, is then in the very breaking and shall engulf the entire world (Matt. 24:22).
“Immediately after the distress of those days ” ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'”At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.” Matthew 24:29-30.
What glorious days we await! We may stand appalled (I for one certainly do) at the monstrous crime, sickness, insanity and hoodlumism, getting more abominable by the day, but when I see by His precious word that these things must be just before the end of our age and return of our Lord Jesus Christ to earth, then I look upon this phase of demonism with a mixture of both abhorrence and great joy. Abhorrence over what it is, yet great joy because the very demons foretell through these acts and conditions, that the all beautiful and wondrous Lord Jesus Christ is soon to return to our earth to inaugurate a new social order, and a kingdom which shall grow to fill the entire earth and which shall never cease to be. Oh, hallelujah, what joy!
We who have suffered shall then rejoice. We who have endured shall then be rewarded. We who have wept shall then sing for joy of heart. We who have been fettered shall be set free. We who have not faltered in the faith shall behold the beauty of our wondrous Lord and Savior. We who have overcome shall be granted power to rule (according to our qualification and capacity). We who have been berated and disgraced shall be exalted and honored. And “the meek shall inherit the earth”! “The pure in heart shall see God”!
Those last words also remind me of His forecast that many false prophets should arise to deceive…. We have heard about and read of many such. But a woman once told me that for some time she had been affiliated with one who had considerable publicity and claimed to be a great servant of Jesus Christ our Lord. She recounted how, after some considerable time on his mailing list, he told her by personal letter that he was indeed the Christ on earth – even the reincarnated spirit of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth! (Incidently, this “Jesus” is a married man this time.) Sometimes I am actually stunned at the devil’s cunning and subtleness in working through alleged Christians who put on a big front and long pious face – all in the name of Jesus Christ – only to be found members of “the devil’s synagogue”!
Many have written to me asking: “Who are you: Elijah? One of the twelve? Or one of the other ancient prophets?” And I reply as before: who I am is not of the slightest importance. But that truth I teach is of tremendous importance. And if indeed I teach the truth, then that selfsame truth shall bear witness of itself as having come from God…. Look back to John the Baptist who had a special preliminary mission to perform unto the Israel of his day in preparation for the Christ. Yet he lived, wrought his work for God, completing his mission and died without as much as one mortal being knowing his true identity (Elijah: Matt. 11:14). On the strength of which I repeat: unto the masses, the true identity of a teacher is not important. But he who has been sent by God bears God’s signature. But this bear in mind: whosoever claims to be this, or that one (out of the past) – such as Jesus, Moses, Elijah, or some other illustrious one – is either demented, psychotic, or an unscrupulous liar! No true servant of Jesus Christ endeavors to create such an image of himself.
By Mikkel Dahl