< Chapter 6| INDEX | Chapter 8 >
Let us look with greater care : is His Divine Insignia there? Can we accept it in its fullness as the distillation of Truth’s essence? Let us see:
THIRTY (30) pieces of silver: of what does it speak? Not what man’s ideas may be, but of what do they speak ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD? By the Law of Moses we learn that if an ox gored a human, the ox was to be stoned, and the owner to FORFEIT 30 SHEKELS (‘pieces’) OF SILVER. (Ex 21 32)
Of course, THAT was a law governing in civil life, yet the rulings of God are not arbitrary. The goring ox is symbolic of man’s bestial nature, or UNregenerate propensities which goad him into disobedience (‘sin’) – the fruit of which is DEATH. This through the said section of the Mosaic Law, we know that God spoke of A RESTITUTIONAL PENALTY in the amount of ’30 shekels’. Thus was His ruling in Exodus fully corroborated by Zech 11:12-13; for, it is written that He was to offer His soul an atonement for sin”. (Is 53:10). THAT is sufficient to vindicate His Word as per Zech 11:12-13; yet but a portion of HIS SIGNATURE! Behold:
This Moses who gave the Law was of the tribe of Levi -who fathered the priesthood. Levi died at the age of 137 (Ex 6; 16). Therefore
137 x 10= 1370 yrs,
Priesthood inducted in + 2667 AM
= 4037 AM or 37 A. D.
As seen above, the multiplication by 10 is to raise the number of the INDIVIDUAL to speak for the NATION. And, since our multiple is 10, and the age of 137 as a ’round figure’, it is essential to allow a small margin of leeway. Yet true to God’s wisdom and guiding hand, we see that the PROPHETIC ERA FOR THE AARONITE PRIESTHOOD was to rule 1370 years, terminating within 2 years of Calvary’s Cross (by Pyramid Chronology).
Yet let us look again! How can we think of the 30 pieces of betrayal money without immediately remembering His predecessor IN TYPE who was sold for 20 shekels? As Joseph was sold into Egypt (type of this world in the throes of sin) to save his brethren (when they arrived), so did he typify our Savior, who also was sold TO DELIVER US (from this ‘Egypt’). .Wherefore, to fully understand the 20 shekels, we must first understand the 20. Thus the 20+ 30 = 50, being the full price of FREEdom reaching into the SOUL (see “Number Symbolism”). Therefore was the same number that of the JUBILEE when all servants and captives were SET FREE, and forfeited properties returned to the original owner. Therein, then, we do see God’s gracious plan in providing the means for humanity’s COMPLETE REDEMPTION from the thralldom of sin, being our price of FREEdom paid in full! Further, if we consider the 20 shekels paid for Joseph in the light of the Sanctuary Poll Tax (which was half a shekel), then the 20 would provide 40 such assessments. Therein we behold the allusion to the 4000 years (40 x 100) of serfdom in this Egypt of sin until REDEMPTION would be provided. THAT was the span from Adam’s mortality (AM) to the entry of God’s Lamb.
Now for a closer look at the 20 shekels (bearing in mind that they were but A PORTION of the TYPE He wrote.)
In Gen 37:2 we behold Joseph at the age of 17 feeding the flock with his brethren. But the chapter details other events for which we may reasonably allow half a year. Thus was Joseph seventeen and a half (17.5) years when sold unto the Midianites. In Gen 41:46 we learn that Joseph was 30 years of age when he stood before Pharaoh.
Then followed 7 years of ‘plenty’, plus 2 years of ‘lean’ before his father arrived, making Joseph 39 when again he beheld his father’s face. (While we are at the data-gathering let us also realize that the 18-year-old Joseph was no liability to the Midianites, but much to the contrary. Wherefore they were in no rush to make a sale, but rather to KEEP AND USE HIM UNTIL A PROFITABLE DEAL COULD BE EFFECTED. Thus, although we cannot prove the matter from Scripture or history, it becomes a logical conclusion that he may have been retained many months in Egypt prior to being sold. THEN commenced his real servitude in Egypt. THAT precise time we cannot fix.)
By the chronograph God has furnished us, (computed ENTIRELY from Bible data), we see that Joseph was born 2197 AM. Calvary’s Cross cannot be fixed with precision from Bible history, wherefore we resort to the Great Pyramid. This shows that epochal event to have transpired in 40 – 34.5, while the Lamb of God was presented to Israel – 3.5 years earlier.
= 31.0 A.D. or 4031.0 AM
While Joseph’s birth was in 2197
= 1834 years
interval from Joseph’s birth to the presented “Lamb” for the entire world (see John 1:29).
Observe now that to reduce the above number for the world to that of the individual, we must divide by 100. Thus 1834 becomes 18.34. In view of God’s wondrous ways of working, I ask you: is it an unreasonable assumption that Joseph was 18.34 years of age when he entered the House of Potiphar? Hardly! Let us also remember that Joseph died at the age of 110 years, netting a servitude of
110 years LESS 18.34
= 91. 66 years, to be multiplied by
x 20 (as betrayal’s price)
= 1833.2
– Can you not perceive the staggering marvel of the mathematical PRECISION God wrote through the majestic PATTERN-IN-TYPE – to the end that we might SEE AND BELIEVE? For, as above, the years of his servitude, times the price of sin (20), nets the exact time from Joseph’s birth unto THE LAMB OF GOD! (91.66 x 20 = 1833.2). And his age on entering bondage to Potiphar (18.34) raised to the “power” for the world (x 100), again nets the same PRECISION FIGURE (18.34 x 100 = 1834). But slam not the door in the face of God Just LOOK AGAIN:
When Joseph beheld his father’s face in Egypt he was 39 years old. He had been sold at the age of 17.5 (39 – 17.5) = 21.5 yrs. absence from his father. Multiply by 20 (shekels) = 430.0 (years)
– which we are told was the PRECISION NUMBER OF YEARS TO THE DAY that Israel sojourned in Egypt (Ex 12:40). Or maybe you thought that God never had the schooling to be a mathematician!! Yet this is His way of revealing His identity by an in-wrote SIGNATURE, placing His seal of Divine Authority on Scripture; as well as giving us that UNSHAKABLE FOUNDATION ON WHICH TO BUILD A LIVING FAITH! As in this instance, not only were the 430 years of Israel’s bondage in Egypt revealed by the 20 shekels for which Joseph was sold, but also the PRECISION INTERVAL OF TIME unto presentation of ‘GOD’S LAMB’ – of which Joseph was a type.
Now, with the factors of Joseph’s betrayal fresh in mind, let us look to the Nazarene who was sold for 30 of silver: PAID OUT BY THE HIGH PRIEST – in charge – of the Sanctuary (which sanctuary was A LUNAR EDIFICE).
A strict command did Joseph give that his bones were to be carried into – Canaan – a type of Heaven. Prophetically, this showed us – in part – how He whom Joseph typified, would ASCEND TO HEAVEN. And the INTERVAL OF TIME during which the bones of Joseph were prophetically awaiting in Canaan, unto the fulfillment of the shadow-prophecy, BECOMES PROPHETIC OF THE TIME that the world awaits the consummation of His work while the LIVING BODY (portrayed by Joseph’s bones) resides in Heaven (Canaan) – with the relationship of 30 to 20 considered. Thus:
4034.5 as ASCENSION (Pyramid Chronology)
2707 .5 = Joseph’s bones entered Canaan
= 1327 years INTERVAL (Pyramid. Chronology.)
Therefore 1327 x 30 x 354.36
20x 365.24 = 1931 solar years.
- 35 AD (=Cross)
1966 or ’67 A.D.
(Pyramid chronology) as consummation of His Work.
– In explanation of the foregoing, we must bear in mind the risen Lord of Life was no longer subject to mundane conditions, but lived in the POWER OF SPIRIT on the SOUL plane (lunar) of being during the 40 days following the resurrection. This therefore, AGREES with the fact of the High Priest of the lunar sanctuary, paying out 30 pieces of Silver. This metal answers to the moon. ALL Sanctuary rites were governed by the LUNAtions. Hence, the 30 of silver must be construed for the Lord of Life as being A LUNAR MEASURE OF TIME. Therefore do you see on page 36 the 354.36 (days in lunar year) over 365.24 in the equation. And you see the 30 over 20 because the two betrayals were part of ONE PROPHECY. While the final figure of 1966-67 AD should not be construed as necessarily being PRECISE. Our multiple is that of 30; therefore a considerable margin may be allowed forth or back.
In our considering the SIGNATURE of God, we find the abundant evidence in me betrayal money of Joseph; put as yet the final prophetic figure for the 30 of silver is not conclusive (its time being yet future). Nevertheless, when we realize that God talks to us through numbers, we see the DIVISION and SEPARATION of the ‘2’ in 20, reaching into the very SOUL. THIS was realized through the ‘chosen people’ by their COMING OUT FROM Egypt and being SEPARATE FROM the gentiles. And similarly are we shown by the ‘3’ in 30 that the WORD OF GOD also reaches into the SOUL, to the end that a man may be “born again” into a regenerate life. THIS is given THE DIVINE SEAL by the fact that the 20 plus 30 adds up to 50 – which is THE DIVINE LIBERATION NUMBER, and the very objective of His coming “to SET THE CAPTIVES FREE” (Isa 61:1): preaching the word of Life which has power to redeem the soul.
Having then the prophetic PROOF abundantly displayed in the first drama, with the second dovetailing to fit into the PERFECT NUMERAL MESSAGE of Him who said: “He whom the Son sets free is FREE indeed”, (John 8:36), we see the abundant testimony to His HOLY, IMPRIMATUR, and may await in confidence its final seal!
By Mikkel Dahl