Chapter 6
Undoubtedly, countless millions of Christians will find themselves here on earth on the ‘day after’ that Christ has called unto His chosen, and taken out of this world a “first fruits unto God and to the Lamb”. If you are among them, then carefully observe these truths and suggestions:
You have been weighed and found wanting, you will find a terrific state of panic increasing about you. Multitudes of so-called Christians will despair, yet that is not Gods will for you. There is no valid reason why you should despair. Clearly has He told us (as already cited) that vast innumerable multitude shall come out of the great tribulation, having washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. We see them with Christ in the heavenlies, Therefore is it repeated that there is no cause for despair. There is still time.
As previously shown through “the stranger’s voice” there is a day of Pentecost approaching unto all of Christendom. It will come on the first day of Pentecost following the rapture of the 144,000. The day for the count of fifty commences on that day which corresponds to Resurrection Sunday. That count of “1” commences on the sixteenth of Nisan, when 7 weeks have fulfilled, by unbroken intercession to God. As the fiftieth day is fully come, then will His Spirit descend upon His church in anointing power. It is for that day you must prepare.
That “preparation” will not come about through your joining in riots, neither with any panicking mob. If you know of a suitable church, spend as much time there as possible. Should such a church not be convenient, then join with as many as possible of a similar mind and understanding, in order that jointly you may travail before His throne of grace and glory. It is not the edifice which counts, but rather the assemblage together of more than one who, in like mind, will lay siege to the mercies of God through Christ Jesus. It in that spirit you will faithfully continue into day of Pentecost, then will you also be found among that blessed number in the “upper room”, who were be crowned by His baptismal fire and endued with power to glorify His name.
Howbeit, even though you receive that anointing power you have to face the grim terrors of the great tribulation. That period of 1260 days has He labelled as the “hour of temptation, which shall come upon the entire world.” Because such Christians had previously been found unfaithful, it is His judgment that they must now prove themselves, even as He demanded of Israel in the days of Moses. The forces of the enemy will be a terror to behold. The temptations will be multitudinous, and very serious, even as they were unto Israel in the wilderness. Clearly have we been warned that the slightest yielding to the forces of the Beast receiving his name or number, will mean that Christ bars His door against us; and such to fully partake in the sad lot of the Beast and his pseudo-Christ.
Those who remain faithful to the end shall hear the final trump of God, and be caught up to meet Him in the air – even as Mary met Christ in the same place outside the city where her elder sister previously met Him. After they have been taken out, then follows the most fearful carnage ever recorded in history. It shall last a full two weeks as the “seven vials of wrath” are poured out upon the world. Those two weeks measure the time between the Festival of Trumpets, and the Festival of Tabernacles (1st and l5th).
As the last note of the Trumpet sounds (opening the Festival of Trumpets), that innumerable company ascends to Christ their Lord, that they may “reign with Him as kings and priests.” As opening the Day of Tabernacles two weeks later, Christ in person with His ‘bride’, together with her maidens-in-waiting, and the entire household of God, descends to earth. When His feet touches Olivet, the earth’s greatest cataclysm takes place.
That will terminate world war III. Those remaining among the earthlings who are not in the Bestial empire, shall have the blessed privilege of going forward into the glories of His millennial reign.
May you be found in that number, or in one of those groups which shall “enter into the joys of your Lord.”
To that end may your life be dedicated.
-finished is the testimony=================
‘But in the days of the voice of the 7th angel when be shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished – as He has declared to His servants the prophets.
– Rev 10: 7.
N. B:
That ‘sounding’ as above, is when the ‘firstfruits’ go up.
THEN will God’s plan be clear: hence no more “mystery.” To a multitude of Christians – in partial light; To a world on the brink of suicide.
APPENDIX: The conditions with reference to the “panic””, and “demonism” as outlined in preceding chapters, will vary greatly, depending on the country, t he State, the city and even the district. Naturally, the reaction of the populace will be determined by the ‘degree of Christ’ which has been received into the heart of its vast majority. It will also depend on the percentage of organized and active communist “cells” which obtain in the area
“For, as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” – Luke 21: 35.
With reference to ‘time’ factors obtaining in the day, that too will vary greatly, depending on the country and time zone in which one lives.
Again, where there is a high percentage of devoted ‘Sixty-fold’ in the area, that will Constitute a shield, or covering veil (in a measure), unto the balance
Neither will the ‘3’ day or so, of unleashed demonism, hold true in all areas. Some cities will have much longer sieges, in fact sporadic outcroppings may cover a drawn out period. In a lesser degree, we must be prepared for a three and a half-year period. For, the forces of the PIT will continue striving to overthrow constitutional government: a ‘fifth column’ within our lands working hand-in-glove with the Kremlin,
May God he with you.
By Mikkel Dahl