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Are You Ready To Take A Spiritual “Drivers Licence Test” When Jesus Returns?

I think of taking a written test for a drivers license. You fill in the answer sheet, then when finished with the test, you hand it in and the person GRADES your answers. Your answers are compared to the MASTER – which has all of the correct answers. You then pass or fail in reference to how your answers compare to those of the master.

Did you know that Jesus gave you the right to have your own set of beliefs? Actually, He DEMANDED IT!

“Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right? Luke 12:57

But Jesus’ return signals the end of the test is at hand. At that time our answers will be GRADED by the MASTER. Just like the drivers test, our answers will be compared with His. As you know, there is a wide variety of opinions within the breadth of Christendom, so that means that many will be found with incorrect answers. This website is a call to you to check your answers, and to remind you that the test is soon upon us. Soon, you and I will be called on to give our answers.

NOW is the time to re-examine every conclusion you’ve ever come to about God and our world. Is it ok for you to question the teachings that have been handed down to us? How about this for permission;

“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. Isa 1:18

So now, the key would seem to be to make sure that your version of “right” is the same as His…

The Problem

A business associate once told me that people can handle up to about 10% change – MAX!! Less than 10% change is ok – it’s tolerable – do-able. But when the change presented exceeds 10%, then typically it is outright disregarded by most people… hence the problem with this website.. This body of teaching presents too large a change for most folks to digest. There is too much new material presented, and all at one time!!

I wish there was some other way to go about it, because I was spoon fed this information over a period of weeks and months, even years. Now, suddenly, it is in your face – with a whole new set of understandings.

I pray that the Lord will use this website to plant seeds – seeds of asking questions. Seeds of seeking the Lord, and His truth. Seeds of preparation for the test that is undeniably coming.

Russell Dibird

Originally Published in 1999