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Our entire concept of ‘Hell’ must be revamped to agree with the Divine revelation, and that also goes for ‘creation’ itself. The ‘CREATION’ of our theologians, and the ‘Hell’ of their rantings is enough to discredit a devil instead of giving glory to a “good God”! Wherefore, we shall now briefly scan ‘creation’ and probe the depths of ‘Hell’; yes, even to its temperature! Let children of the Light AWAKEN to glorify their Father!
In the opening account of ‘creation’ we are told that God commanded the humans to “subdue the earth”, and to gain dominion over the fowl of the air and the beasts of the earth (Genesis 1:8). It is proper that we should consider those words in their literal context, yet we fall far short if there we stop! We have caught, tamed and trained beasts of the jungle, but how much ‘dominion’ have we gained over the birds of the air? “Sure, we are able to kill them, but gaining ‘dominion’ over them is not synonymous with the power to kill. It was over the very self same error of the Pharisees that Jesus took them to task. HE approved of and commended them for observing the letter of the Law but severely excoriated them for stopping in the LITERAL, neglecting to enter into the SPIRIT of the Law!
As we enter into the symbolic language of God, we find that the ‘EARTH’ bespeaks the physical BODY of man, for, it has been fashioned from its very elements. While the ‘beasts’ of the ‘earth’ become the bestial propensities of the earth man. The denizens of the ‘DEEP typify our emotions, our lusts; while the birds of the AIR typify our thoughts. THESE – said He – we were to ‘SUBDUE’, and over every thought and emotion gain ‘DOMINION’. Founded in an understanding of TRUTH’S original decree did the “Son of God” more explicitly command:”Be perfect therefore, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect”
Matthew 5:48
Into the head of the EARTH-man, God spoke forth His own Spirit. GOD was then a Father! Having begotten His own kind. Millions of fish, birds, beasts and even man could not constitute A SPIRIT a ‘father’. Fatherhood necessitates the begetting of one’s own kind. Wherefore when the God SPIRIT begot infant spirits, then HE became a ‘Father’. Of this are we specifically told in Gen 2:7.
In Genesis 1:26 & 27 we are clearly told that man became “in the image of God” and after His own likeness. Are not children begotten by humans like unto their parents? And do not normal parents labor, sacrifice and lend their utmost efforts to the end that their children may attain to the stature of their own in the physical, in the mental and cultural?
Thus when we behold a good and normal human parent sacrificing self that the offspring may attain unto its proper stature and good in life, we are but beholding the GOD-NATURE finding expression; for, “in His image and AFTER HIS LIKENESS” have we been brought forth. THAT was the reason for God’s begetting. He said it isn’t good for man to be alone; if so, then neither for God! HE wanted children: sons and daughters to eventually attain unto His own stature: that INEFFABLE GLORY might fill all space, crowding out all darkness and imperfections. As yet the Divine injunction has not ceased to impinge through the reaches of outer space, nor yet has it seized fully the central vortex of man’s consciousness.
Yet why should ‘Hell’ enter into that drama of infant enroute to God-consciousness? Again the answer lies within the realm of our own observable nature and experience. Ordinarily, the parents who shower their offspring with unceasing sweet patter; who never resort to discipline but merely a gush of mush called ‘love’, bring up brats which disgrace society and bring grief upon both self and parents. The ever-progressive standards and ideals set by society, can never be attained ‘into by the infant unaided; but prolonged tutelage, encouragement, coaching and CORRECTION are all called for. Similarly, and even more so by the infallible-spirits begotten by God, unto whom He said. ‘SUBDUE the earth-body’s propensities; and over your every carnal instinct, lust and thoughts-in-error GAIN DOMINION!’
On this lowest plain of possible consciousness, we are under the power-DRIVE of opposites. We could name heat and cold as well as scores of others, yet let us lump it all into “good and evil”. The ‘power-drive’ or titanic force thus engendered could be illustrated by the cyclone or tornado. Heat areas capped by cold air engender tremendous air-currents When such meets ‘head-on’ with another, the tornado roars into its fury and destructive sweep-in-devastation. This world of opposites we might label ‘God’s tornado arena for the children of His begetting’; that, caught between the power-arms of the ‘tornado’, the spirit may ever and increasingly yearn to get out of the CONFLICT by drawing on its native God-power.
As this is practiced more and more (induced by the ‘persuasion’ of stress), there is a ‘gravitational’ pull, or centripetal drawing towards the CENTRAL CORE of the “tornado” In the shaft of that central core broods a sweet calm! And the ‘central core’ is GOD! Unto those who ever draw towards the tornado’s core, no further ‘Hell’ of correction is ever needed THIS truth voiced the Christ when saying:”..and him that comes to (towards) Me I will never cast him out (drive away).”
John 6:27
However, as it is with spirits in relationship to God, so we see with many children: they are willful, headstrong and contrary to the love and counsel of the parent SUCH NEED MORE DRASTIC TREATMENT! The mild and primary stage & this more ‘drastic persuasion’ is encountered in ‘Hades’ after the spirit has lost the physical body through death. While the extreme corrective measure awaits at a more distant day those who obstinately will not yield to the loving Father’s call of “Come unto Me.” This final and most drastic is the “Lake of Fire” treatment. For this the Lord Jesus chose the more pictorial language His people could understand, calling it Gehenna, and the Gehenna of Fire.
By Mikkel Dahl