
We have seen how there are two phases to what is commonly called ‘Hell’, similarly are there two major divisions to what people think of as ‘Heaven.’ The first of these zones is what our Lord referred to in the parable, saying of Lazarus that he “was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom.” This is the same zone as He referred to on the cross when saying: “Today you will be with me in ‘Paradise ‘. And it is also the same as referred to in Revelation 6:9, where he “saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God.” Two verses later, we see where they were to “rest yet for a little season.” This (‘rest’) alludes to the same as Abraham saying of Lazarus that “now he is comforted.”
‘PARADISE’ in its original (Persian) sense, referred to the Royal Grounds outside the palace enclosure. A person therein could enjoy the beautiful grounds; its select company and delights of the royal estate; yet had no access to the Palace, neither to the inner lawns reserved for the royal household, unless or until the guard opened the special entry-gate. But that, of course, would only be done on order emanating from the Palace.
ABRAHAM, as the father of the ‘covenant people’, is represented as awaiting their ‘atoned-for’ souls in the first heaven-world. His ‘bosom’ typifies shelter, nourishment and comfort. Like unto those entering ‘Hell’, who in UNrest reflect on their earth-life, so do those in ‘Paradise’ have ample time to reflect on the WHY’s of their woes while on earth, and to be ‘comforted’ by the explanations unto them of the God-Laws, by those who have long preceded them – who have entered into increased understanding.
This ‘Paradise’ in the Heavenlies is indeed a sphere-zone of ‘rest,’ deep serenity; beauty, joy and abundant PEACE. Still it is far from synonymous with the crystal-gold of Revelation 4:6 and 21:1 8, neither up to the freedom, glory and power of those unto whom the Inner Gate is opened. But bear in mind that as yet the TEMPLE has not been opened unto the awaiting ones. This is clearly told in revelation 6:10-11 where those souls were instructed to wait for the balance of their brethren. This is further confirmed in Revelation 15:5 when we see the temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Heaven, ‘opened’. This is some time following the opening of the seven-sealed book and the bugling by the trumpeting angels. All these bespeak END-time developments here on earth (request the booklet entitled “Four Riders”). The seven seals have NOW been broken and the opening trumpets blown. As yet it is but ‘Paradise’ which openly awaits the atoned-for soul.
This realm of ‘Paradise’ is superimposed upon the realm of ‘Hell’ – already viewed, and far more vast. It commences about 4,500 miles remote from our earth, extending outward in depth about 10,000 miles. Thus, both Hades and Paradise are not fixed placements in space, but zone-spheres in relationship to our earth: being carried about through space by our earth’s journeying, even as is its atmosphere and stratosphere. Whereby we see that this relationship is even in agreement with the earth’s primary atmospheric envelope, over which we are told that Lucifer has dominion.
But beyond the earth’s outermost layers of rarified air lie the ionic and other stratas which our scientists have now commenced to investigate…. While beyond that approximate 15,000 miles distant periphery of ‘Paradise,’ lie the stratas of what we might term divine spirit. Therein teem the higher orders of spirits in His service. The dimensions of that Divine Realm proper, its formation and relationship to our earth and solar system (and galaxies), have as yet not been given me to view, neither to compute. But I surmise it to constitute, both by placement and in power, the CENTRAL VORTEX of our galaxy; or, conceivably the central vortex of multitudinous galaxies.
In the realm of Paradise, the souls also ‘rise’ (recede away from earth), but usually at a much more rapid rate than the UNsaved ones (in Hades). In ‘Paradise’ their ‘souls’ remain complete. Although there is no shedding of soul-substance by those in “Abraham’s bosom,” they too purify (in a sense), and rise accordingly. Most of such while in earth-life have STRONG DESIRES, AMBITIONS and PERSONAL ATTACHMENTS – when passing on, unless that be in very advanced age. Such coursings through the soul are foreign to ‘heaven.’ Hence they find themselves in the lower stratas; requiring TIME to get detached from earth-loves and ambitions. As they get detached, or reoriented to God-ward, they commence to rise. This is alluded to inRev 6:11 where they are given “‘white robes.” Let us never forget that there is no ‘magic’ in death which changes the ego in the slightest iota. Whatever the person was by nature previously, he continues to be. Therefore is it so vitally important that every Christian believer HEARS the command of Christ our Lord:Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Mat 5:48
For, the more dilgently we set about to HEAR that Word of His and to “work out your own salvation”- the sooner and deeper shall we enter into the approaches of His emanating GLORY.Loved Ones
Will they be reunited beyond death’s portal? This varies much both in ‘heaven’ and Hell, especially in the latter. It is determined by the vibrational pitch of the soul. IF their transition is not too far apart in time, and if their ‘rungs on the ladder’ are not too far apart, then they reunite. In Hades such reunions grant them no happiness. While in Paradise their meeting grants a considerable measure of joy, still nowhere near that which would be anticipated by earthlings. For, in Paradise, awareness of Truth rapidly increases, leading to that same detachment evidenced by the words of “father Abraham.” The JOYS in and through our loved ones on earth is purely a condition common to earthlings. The closer our approach unto God (God is LIGHT: Light reveals the facts of Truth), the more completely is dispel led the illusion of “the me and the mine.” It is wholly an error of the carnal mind. IN the LIGHT we adore the LIGHT, rejoicing in its Author and glorying in the joys and beauty of those similarly clad (to ourselves) in His Light! That is ‘Heaven’ as well as its approaches in the upper stratas of ‘paradise.’ The JOYS COMMON TO Heaven (both stratas) are founded in Light and understanding, NOT in past earth-ties and the flesh which “profits nothing”!Heaven ‘University’
Let us not be naive enough to imagine that death and entry to ‘Heaven’ opens all knowledge to the ‘saved.’ After ‘death’ one is just as ‘dumb’ as previously except for the strange things BEHELD. It is like our traveling to an utterly strange country here on earth: our entry thereto does not increase our native intelligence or understanding – except with reference to the things we observe.
Similarly when arriving in ‘Paradise.’ But since that is not just for a ‘visit,’ but CITIZENSHIP: entry to God’s University becomes A MUST. This Institution of Learning is patterned on the Tabernacle pitched by Moses in the wilderness. Or, more properly speaking, the latter was patterned on the Heavenly!
The innermost cubicle which was a 10 x 10 x 10′ typifies the God-sphere, with its Shekinah Glory as its Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the ‘Principal’ of the University. On rare occasions, only, does He commune or instruct. His functioning “high priesthood” are delegated to instruct the appointed ones in the “Holy Place,” while they in turn ‘minister’ unto those in the ‘outer court.’
Here the freshly arrived are SHOWN “the facts of life” as viewed from the spirit-realm. When the ‘switch’ is thrown and the ‘TV’ screen lights up, the ‘novice’ beholds how a spirit (with an Immense past) is prepared and given leave to incarnate in a body of human flesh. SPECIAL conditions are required for that one spirit. The WHERE and the WHEN to find such is the responsibility of higher intelligences. The “countdown” is in process. WHEN will the earthlings stop playing around and prepare themselves for parenthood? Have they never heard His command: be fruitful and FILL the earth (with human beings)?
Now the ‘novice’ beholds what we might compare to a little episode here on earth. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Sam Dollar’ come across Mr. Destitute who is without a job or income and almost naked. They are moved with compassion: they take him in, feed and clothe him. Then Sam finds him a job, and watches over him, giving him fatherly counsel until Mr. Destitute is again ESTABLISHED and prospering on his own: going forward into the rich and joyous experiences of life afresh. The ‘Dollars’ who helped him, observe, rejoice and feel justly proud. But would they, or the law of any land, decree that the now prospering Mr. Destitute has become personal property of the Dollars? Well hardly! They had but an ‘opportunity,’ to which they rose gloriously. They have the admiration of friends, and a little reward in ‘heaven’ awaiting them. Thus it is with the incarnating spirit beheld on Heaven’s TV’ screen: it is ‘naked’ (in most instances) and ‘destitute,’ without income’ and in sore need of friends! At last, prospective parents are found to fill all these needs (even as did the ‘Dollars’ in the comparable illustration). These parent are providing but the ‘clothes’ (of flesh), the care, provision and opportunity until the previously destitute spirit can ‘go it on his own.” Myriad’s of other destitutes are seen waiting, longing and impatient for a “Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dollar” to rise to their opportunity. Yet the years roll by for “myriad’s of spirits in their ‘prison,’ for modern people are determined to play around rather than to hear the command of God (“fill the earth”).
Thus the new entrant to Heaven’s University passes through a period of awakening to understanding, and a refreshing of the MEMORY of its own awaiting for parents in the past. The ONENESS of life is again perceived with God its Author and only FATHER, and all we as brethren – supposedly helping one another. Earthlife’s ILLUSION of the “me and the mine” narrows and fades, giving way to Heaven’s perspective of “GOD OUR FATHER” in patient forbearance with His multitudinous children so slow to learn: and so slow to rise to their opportunity in helping to get their kin “outfitted for a day at school!”
We are spirits, possessing NOTHING but body and soul; while even these we may lose unless ‘preservation’ (‘salvation’) is received. To these we can only add experience, netting understanding and virtues (strength). See the utter DETACHMENT voiced by ‘father Abraham’ over his ‘son’ in distress! Father Abraham had been there long enough to “know the score” The same must be learned by others – strong in their earth-loves.
There is a partial exception to this: those in the 100-fold category, are carried directly to the uppermost stratas. Here they immediately rejoin loved ones gone on before (providing that such were in the 100-fold). But because of the GREAT LOVE for their Lord they quickly learn to dwell in the GLORY-consciousness, loving all in the realm of Light on par with their own (in the flesh). Remember his words “the flesh profits nothing!”
Flowing their adequate ‘rest’ and course of studies in the upper realm, they again take up SERVICE unto their Lord. Principally, teaching, instructing and consoling (yes, many are in need thereof: such as a parent suddenly taken away from a large, growing family). For such it takes considerable time, instructions, and beholding to fully accept that ‘God is in His Heaven and all is right with the world.
After their much needed ‘rest,’ their ‘heaven’ hums with activity. There is no idle loitering in the spirit-realms of God! In course of time those with preserved soul-bodies (whether through the Law or under the Christian dispensation); learn to serve our God in multitudinous ways. This is also attested to in Holy Writ where we see Moses and Elijah on the Mt. of Transfiguration. In Revelation 19:10, again similarly we see the ‘messenger’ telling John that he is “of the brethren.” That is, one who had previously lived as a Jew! The same thought is brought out in his answer of “your FELLOW servant. “Unless we recognize and admit this Truth, then we imply that the ‘angel’ used but repetitious double-talk! (Should we ‘interpret‘ the Word of God to that end?) For, the ‘angel’ was not a ‘fellow’ (or mortal). IF, then, we postulate that the angel’s declaration was one of servitude, we aver he first said he served John’s ‘fellows,’ or associates; and secondly precisely the same in “AND of your brothers that have the testimony of Jesus”! But the ‘and’ gives the lie to that. (IF we will not stop to think, HOW can we ever arrive at understanding?) Do we worship God for His ‘service’ to man (is God a slave?) or because of what HE IS? If your grey matter functions, you will know our ‘worship’ is based on IDENTITY, not on service. Wherefore, when John was about to ‘worship,’ the angel had no occasion to commence elaborating on his own activities, but rather to enter into a declaration of his own IDENTITY. This he detailed as being of, or out from the prophet-servants (like John), and out from Jewry which had received the testimony of Jesus!
God is not temperamental, nor yet even partial. With His decrees unto one, so similarly will He unto others. Since it is specifically recorded that Moses and Elijah served Him long after their death, so do others-prepared thereto. THAT is the great objective of God’s devising a means for the preservation (‘salvation’) of our soul-bodies. Without an ‘engine ‘ how can we develop POWER? Without power, what can we DO? The spirit within is but LIGHT (understanding) and Life (fire). IT needs machinery (vehicles, or bodies) to house these and therein to develop ‘power-tubes’ to channel the Light and Fire (It is but of recent times that our scientist have begun to develop, on the earth-plane, analogous machines such as the X-ray, cyclotrons, et cetera.)Earth’s Advantage
Although aside from the vista of ‘heaven’: the probing mind might here ask: WHY the multitudinous grief’s in an life IF in the spirit realm we could serve God and grow in understanding? Principally, the answer can be given in one cryptic word: TIME!
As an approximation, a spirit in its native realm requires 100 years to garner the same essence as it does in a physical body in a solar year; while about 10 years are required in the soul-realm to equal one year of adult earth life. The spirit learns by observation and received. it is in a state of too great flux to readily formulate a pattern; or perhaps we should rather say: to be SHOCKED’ into awareness as it does on the earth-plane.
We might try to illustrate this by comparing spirit to gases. Our scientists tell us that the bulk of matter is composed of gases. requiring hundreds of millions of years to crystallize. Or more aptly we could compare spirit to steam – an invisible gas. It seems quite beyond thc human mind to conceive (f steam being fashioned or controlled-except to first provide a strong container, and later to generate the steam therein (as we do in steam boilers). But as and when steam is reduced to water (comparable to soul). then it becomes more manageable: its flux is greatly reduced from its previous estate of steam While if the water is again reduced in vibration to that of ice (comparable to matter and earth-life), it becomes sensitive to ‘shock’ and can readily be molded to the pattern in the mind of the artisan (God).
Wherefore, the lowering stratas of vibration for the spirit on the soul and earth planes, are for the saving of hundreds of millions of years to come into the Parent’s stature, as well as to receive into its central vortex, patterns clear-etched.
According to Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8, one might wonder if there is anything else from worshipping the Creator for those in ‘Heaven’. This is founded in faulty understanding of Scripture. Well may enraptured beings perpetually speak forth their joy and praise unto their Redeemer. Yet far more important it is for them to SHOW IT FORTH THROUGH HONORABLE CONDUCT (service). Let us not forget our Lord’s words wherein He said: “For whoever DOES the will of My Father which is in Heaven, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.” And again: “…the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in Truth….” We can only worship the Father through righteous DEEDS; for, ‘faith without WORKS is dead”. In other words, as the ‘saved’ love and praise Him, so must they also demonstrate it through loving service. “IF you love Me, keep My commandments” (that s, ‘DO’). And again, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lays down one ‘, life for one ‘. friends.” Wherefore, ‘heaven’ is an arena of incessant activity in “DOING the Father’s will.” Thereby is He ‘worshipped’.
This varies a great deal depending on the strata in ‘Heaven’, and consequently, the ‘order’ of is inhabitants. It ranges from exceedingly beautiful to gloriously and wondrously magnificent! Color symphonies would stagger the human imagination. Neither are they static, as here, but might be termed pulsatingly alive. Formation, are in symmetry and design entrancing. Even the simple – so to speak – will stand in awe enthralled at “the mansions in glory.” Where naught but BEAUTY dwells in Truth and Truth “under the shadow of the Almighty,” we must realize nothing to mar nor detract can externalize. On earth the beauty within the artist’s soul may be placed on canvas, while the melody within the heart of another bursts for in sound. This is ‘externalization’. THUS are the entrancing beauties in heaven the externalization of the love and ‘sweetness of His maturing sons and daughters enwrapped in tie spirit of “doing the Father’s will.” Pillars of strength, beams of persistence, tie-pins of faithfulness and sheetings of protection: these are all wrought out from their corresponding qualities (as above), and placed by the master-builders in the realm. Then again there are the decorations, tapestries and furnishings wrought out through the alchemy of mercy, compassion, kindness and love, faith and devotion. The ‘furnishing’ come chiefly through unselfish service rendered others.
Although there are a great many similarities on earth and in heaven, the reader should not imagine hills and mountains where miners are at work, nor forests with woodsmen cutting timbers. Its perpetually verdant hills and deeps have there been placed by God Himself, that those still young and in a ‘nature’ estate, may roam in carefree abandon his sunlit slopes of Glory. (The ‘young’ here refers to later waves of virgin spirits – never marred by sin).
Again it should not be imagined that its rivers and hills and mountains are unyielding solids as here on earth. They are solids in the sense that an eagle or hawk may glide the crest of air-currents or densities for hours; or the duck resting with ease upon the water’s crest, yet capable of diving deep-Inhabitants of heaven may rest upon the vibrational crests fixed by God; yet as and when their maturity and understanding entitles, their ‘power-tubes’ are capable of plummeting them to earth or soaring into outer stratas.*
(*The reader should observe the difference here involved. Such spirits may soar into ‘outer’ stratas but not into ‘upper’ stratas. The latter refers to the approaching of God’s vortex, while ‘outer’ does not. As previously explained, all souls have their own levitational limits – in their approach to God).Sun, Moon and Stars
Can those in heaven see our earth, sun, moon and stars? No! But under certain circumstances – yes. Similarly to ourselves here on earth, we do not behold the stars in daylight, so neither do they because of the greater glory of GOD – Who is their ‘sun’ of light. To this there are two exceptions: those who have reached the maturity to travel into outer space (no longer ‘children’ of the Father kept close to home), and those sent back to earth to minister.
Neither should we imagine that the ‘saved’ can hoard an ‘excursion train’ to Jupiter, Saturn or maybe Antares. God is not a ‘showman’ nor entertainer. First we must be ‘old enough’ to understand, secondly, we must earn the right to a ‘holiday’ or a ‘vacation’.Time * Labor * Rest
Time is as much of a reality in the soul and spirit worlds as it is on earth for humans; but with the difference that there is neither sun nor moon to rise or set, nor even a ‘grandfather’ clock to mark off periods of activity. Because spirit is not subject gravity such as we know it, nor stresses peculiar to earth, its activities carry through long periods of time before a state of repose is entered into. These cycles of rest are signaled, or called by higher angels in charge. Comparably, the rhythmic cycles unto repose are very long, but ‘sleep’ is not known in heaven.Seeing God
It would appear that many Christians have the childish notion that when they get to ‘heaven’, they will be granted “audience with God” – perhaps like a young lad being indulged by his grandfather!
The popular hymn has it that “there is no disappointment heaven”, yet unto many there are rude awakenings! GOD is no indulgent ‘grandfather’. The ‘CHIEF EXECUTIVE’ of our universe is far too busy to hobnob with lads in spiritual knee pants, nor with prim lassies in white satin.
GOD dwells within His temple. HIS own emanating light constitutes a ‘halo’ which far outshines the sun; power-charges shoot out to distant orbs in space, the voltage’ of which could not be approached Unto by the ‘saved’! These power-emanations were beheld in John’s vision as “lightning and thundering and voices” (Rev. 4:5). Ordinarily, only those of the ‘inner conclave’ “elders”) and the archangels can come into His Presence. Special occasions offer the rare exceptions, such as the ‘marriage’ of Christ when the Bride will be presented to the Father; also at that other awesome presentation on ‘the Great Day of ATONEMENT.’
Some would reply that Jesus. speaking of children, declared that in heaven their angels behold the Father’s face Yet let us bear in mind that on earth, humans behold the face of the sun. Still, the average earthling couldn’t give the faintest description of the sun’s surface-never having seen it! Similarly with those in Heaven: they behold but the emanating GLORY, and the signs of that awesome outpouring of POWER which directs, controls and vitalizes myriads of blazing suns on their sweep through the unending reaches of space. The ‘Chief Executive’ does not grant audiences to striplings.
It is when the Christ comes “out…in the field at the eventide”(Gen. 24:63) to meet His Bride-elect and when once more He has left behind His Father’s Throne to receive for Himself a Bride-that He will be beheld in the glory of His dazzling beauty by the Bride and the bridesmaids as well as by those “bid to the marriage.” True, His beauty is a replica of the Father’s glory. Yet bear in mind that the Bridegroom in contrast to the ‘Executive’ ‘on the Father’s right hand’, is somewhat like a trilamp burning softly compared to its full powered light! Yet even His caressing soft glow on the night of His wedding will channel a greater glory than the human eye could take!
The End
By Mikkel Dahl