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LIFE – Dzoay
By Mikkel Dahl
I have again been checking. With very few exceptions, all LIFE words in John’s gospel are the Dzoay ones. Principal exceptions are “the cares of this life”; “I lay down My life for the sheep”; “would you lay down your life for My sake?” (I am confident you recognize those brief quotes) ALL in John 6 are the same. Even the one I was curious about; “As the Father has LIFE in Himself, so has He given to the Son to have LIFE in Himself.” Both LIFE words there are the Dzoay ones.
In careful consideration of numerous usage’s of the word, the conclusion seems INescapable: it is used with reference to DEATHLESSNESS of THE HUMAN BODY! That applies to the Resurrection life (for they “are as the angels of God ..’ which cannot die!); and/or to IMMORTALITY in human flesh. It becomes impossible to wrench the two instances in John 6; the one in 8 and 11:26 to mean anything but immortality here and now.
The resurrection bodies become identical to the Glorified Ones, but with the difference: that the former came forth out of POLLUTION! Even in the Heavenlies we see the THREE classifications: 1) the Bride; 2) the Household servants, and 3) the resurrection multitudes. Howbeit, the latter shall not be in the “heavenlies” until very much later (how much later I wouldn’t even guess at)! There is another distinction: only the l44,000 have the Father’s Name in their foreheads…….
To propound death as a must in order to have LIFE is disgusting, and an insult unto the Creator. Look to His words regarding Adam (who was then vibrantly ALIVE):”…take also from the tree of life..” Gen 3:22″…unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. ” John 6:53
It is that passage which forces the conclusion: THE WORD IS EVER USED WITH REFERENCE TO A DEATHLESS life of the human body! For all humans alive have life of the body, of the inner vehicle the soul, as well as the deathLESSNESS of the indwelling SPIRIT. “My words are SPIRIT and they are life”! You will likely recall my writing regarding the words of the One Glorified: “I am He that was dead but behold: I AM ALIVE…!”
Check up on death in the Old Testament. You will see that it is a POLLUTION to the Nth degree. Any person touching a man’s bones, or even a grave, would be UNclean 7 days!!! But shortly I came to verse 18: “NO MAN has seen God…” from which I jump to the words of the Christ in 6:46; “No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father. “Which forces us to this conclusion: ‘EVERYTHING WHICH HAS BEEN WRIT’TEN, MUST BE TRIED, QUESTIONED AND TESTED’! Even the alleged words of the Christ, such as, “IF I bear witness of Myself, my witness is NOT TRUE!”!!
‘As the Father has LIFE in Himself..” forces me to realize that the Dzoay bespeaks the deathLESS life of the glorified body – as the everlasting VEHICLE FOR EXPRESSION – on all planes of being.
Do not allow anyone to ‘get away’ with the argument that the Lord used that and the “psuche” words “interchangeably.” HE did nothing of the kind! HE did use both, but not “interchangeably”. Except as already stated. NEARLY ALL of John 6 runs straight to DzWe (the W for Omega). And the Resurrection ones get the same DzWe.
Be not confused by John 6:40
“…have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
Jump not to the conclusion THAT first implies death, then to be ultimately resurrected.
Sunday Resurrection morning, the lifeless body was “raised up” (which corresponds to the awaited Resurrection). But immediately – as he said to Mary Magdalene, “… I ASCEND to My Father…” That was the first “RAISING Up.” Thirty-nine days later He was seen by maybe 500 ASCENDING INTO THE GLORY! That was 40 days following the moment of Resurrection, bespeaking the “raising up” or UPliftment when the “forty” has filled on earth, for this body with the deathLESS life. Wherefore, 6:40 bespeaks the Upliftment into the Glory-realm of all Immortals at their “last day.”
Throughout almost 3 1/2 years Jesus of Nazareth was an IMMORTAL. “No one takes My life from me…” (John 10:18). Not for Himself, not incidental to sickness or accident did He die, but for YOU and ME did He with determination WALK INTO THE JAWS OF DEATH.!
As the Father had the Power to UPlift the immortal Jesus at the conclusion of the 40 days (it was not until then that He became an immortal), similarly has the Glorified Jesus the power to UPlift all immortals on “the last day” and that without their ever “tasting of death”! (John 8:51-52.) “Beef up” on this lest anyone ever get the faintest edge on you. Because Christendom has SPAT IN HIS FACE these 19 centuries, do we witness the horrors of death and tragedies today throughout the entire world.
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