< Chapter 30 | INDEX | Chapter 32 >
There is also what we might term a re-incarnation of souls (if we wish to view it from that perspective). Virgin spirits who will voluntarily relinquish an acquired soul body of an animal for its substance and seed atom to become the vortex of the soul of another similar animal soon to be born, stand to gain in a unique way. Such ‘reborn’ souls manifest more intelligence. That is, they are more sensitive to impressions and conditions, and can more readily perceive man’s mind. Hence they transmit to mentor spirits more clearly defined impacts that is their emotional-mental surges are more strongly felt by the guiding spirit. And, after death of the body, its more highly developed soul is a better medium of expression for the spirit in that realm. However, this is not the usual-procedure, except in the case of such dogs and horses which have served man closely and intelligently. It also happens less often with other animals – mostly in connection with siring stock (under man’s control), that the strains may be improved. THIS accounts for the seemingly uncanny – if not near human – intelligence displayed by certain breeds of some – like dogs and horses – and of the descendants of selected sires.
THIS is also the explanation of specialized genius manifest in some families, like Mozarts, Bachs and Strauses. (Because music is a product of the soul, we find such great genius more to the fore among musicians, than – let us say – mathematicians, physicists or scientists.