Repeatedly in this treatise the reader will find within quotation marks, conversations by the ElohIM. The ‘im’ ending denotes plurality. Although the highlights, or substance of such conversations were spiritually received by the author, he makes no claim that the words herein found were the precise ones by the Elohim. The words are – more or less – those of the writer to convey as closely as possible the substance of that which was received.
Church indoctrinated readers should not allow themselves to stumble over that herein which appears to indicate more than ONE creator. Precisely the same is found in the opening of Genesis where it is recorded: “Let US make man —-.” The seeker after truth who finds it difficult to reconcile those Genesis passages – as well as this treatise – with the “ONE God” of Exodus-Leviticus should read “GOD, Who What and Where.” The difficulty clears as soon as a person enters into a full understanding of the word ‘God.’
To countless thousands of readers who have not been students of MD, much herein will be found of such tremendous scope and depth – that its authenticity may be questioned. HOW does he know?” will be the question arising in many minds.
Yet the personal students of Mikkel Dahl will understand that these awesome revelations of Truth spanning an ‘eternity’ of time have been received similarly to his numerous other revelations which are backed up by the proofs of history and cross-checking prophetic revelations.
The readers’ credulity will not be strained by the claim that he was taken up to heaven for any briefing; but were the reader to know him in the hours of that ‘madness’ (or ecstasy) when the high voltage revelations pour in, perhaps it would be easier to understand the awesome scope and detail of the Glory-Truths herein set forth.
Again in places certain Bible narratives are referred to as allegories depicting or symbolizing this or that. Such are not intended to dispute the historic veracity of the Bible; but rather that God so directed the course of peoples and events as to dramatize Truths He wanted preserved inerrantly through history.