‘FAITH’ is a wonderful substance to possess. But unfortunately, with the advance of science and the increase of learning (through materialistically oriented channels), there is a proneness to ever increasing scepticism towards that which savors of God and His revelations to man.
The churches used to teach that the earth is flat with four corners; ‘created’ almost 6000 years ago, with a sun and moon circling about us. But dawned the day of scientifically founded progress: mechanics and sciences which thoroughly made laughing stock out of such childish notions. This was a serious blow to ‘faith’. (For, ‘faith’ had been founded in man-established institutions – churches, and the ‘doctrines and traditions of men’ instead of in the inerrant word of God. For assuredly, none of the above can be established from the Bible but rather much to the contrary.) Had the ministers of God ‘been taught by His SPIRIT’, and tutored in His Word by the selfsame Spirit, no such nonsense as a flat surfaced disc of earth, 6000 years young would ever have been preached. But because man has ever had ‘itching ears’, he has heaped unto himself man-appointed parrots, repeating on broken records what empty skull-caps had previously muttered in the stupor of ‘night’s deep sleep’. (See Jhn 9:4; II Tim 4:3-4; also Jer 5:31; 50:6.)
Now the situtation has greatly worsened. Because our children get schooled in the advances of materialistic science on the one hand, they find no adequate counter-balance on the other, because pulpiteers still adhere to ‘the traditions of men’. Hence the wisdom, beauty and grandeur of the Word of God is given from little to no chance of competing with the so-called erudition of men. So ‘faith’ suffers defeat, gets anemic and slumps into a coma.
Even among those brought up in Christian homes, who have had incipient faith nurtured by scripture readings and church attendance, there is a growing tendency to question, and to drift away.
Much of this comes about through the simple process of reasoning. It is not uncommon to hear the voicing of such thoughts as these: “IF there is a God and a GOOD God, then why does He permit wars in ever mounting ferocity, with its appalling consequences of human grief and suffering? IF there is a God which hears human prayer, WHY do not sick people get liberated from their diseases and suffering, especially those who have apparently lived God-fearing lives? IF there is a God, why do we see so much of the innocents suffering, such as innocent little children with incurable diseases, others maimed and crippled for life? IF there is a God, WHY does He not manifest Himself to us that we might KNOW – beyond all doubt? IF there is a good God, He would not prepare a ‘hell’ both for the here and hereafter: a ‘furnace of fire’ in which to roast and torment, time without end, most of those born into this world, simply because they failed to fully please Him!”
So, ‘faith’ goes into eclipse; atheism increases and agnosticism is rampant; to say nothing of the meteoring crime-wave and society-rocking immorality.
THEREFORE is this volume undertaken to set forth an understanding of God’s word, at least to such extent that the reader may see the GRAND OBJECTIVE behind creation; that he may arrive at a satisfying answer to the numerous and bedeviling questions which have termited at man’s faith in God, and His goodness.
With learning comes progress; with understanding comes FREEdom from bondage to fear, yielding ‘faith’ which leads on into peace and joys unspeakable.