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God is spirit. John 4:24

God is love. 1 John 4:8

God is fair. Ezek 18:25

God is All Powerful. Matthew 19:26

God’s word will not return void. Isa 55:11

God is not a respecter of persons. Acts 10:34

God does not change. Mal 3:6

God finishes what He begins. Phil 1:6

God’s punishment has an end. Luk 12:59

God redeems all His children. John 12:32

God’s Word is the Law and the Testimony. Isa 8:20

God speaks through patterns. Hos 12:10

Lack of knowledge kills. Hos 4:6

The earth is flat. Rev 7:1

God wants us to think. Isa 1:18

God wants you to choose the correct path. Luk 12:57

God’s creation brings forth after their own kind. Gen 1:24

God is a loving Father. Genesis – Revelation

We are not allowed to “Interpret” the Bible. Gen 40:8

Jesus is God. Isa 9:6, Zechariah 12:10, John 1:1, etc