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Pure Evil Google Hoaxes Covid-19 Statistics In Real Time

Enter ANY NUMBER into Google Search, Followed By The Words “New Cases” And Google Produces Pages of Unique Articles With Your Exact Number Featured.

Right now, go to Google Search. Type in ANY NUMBER, followed by the words “new cases”.

No matter what number you type in, Google will give you page after page of articles that refer to your number of “new cases”… Here are the four random numbers I came up with. Choose your own, and try as many times as you like, It is always the same trap for your mind.

I chose 572, 777, 888, 997. Every time, spot on.

Google 572 New Cases, DibirdShowGoogle 777 New Cases, DibirdShowGoogle 888 New Cases, DibirdShowGoogle 997 New Cases, DibirdShow


Google is the ultimate mind control machine and apparatus!!

Here is a quick video that demonstrates the raw power that google wields:

Don’t Be Evil: A Tale of Google, China and Atrocities

At this point, all we can do is pray that The Lords Will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

Russell Dibird

San Diego California / August 2021

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